2021 Monthly Programs
Days Project for December 2021
Shara Reiner; to be taught by Les Tryon
Deco Art Americana:
Warm White, Snow White, Black, Zinc, Soft Blue,
Grape Juice, Purple Cow, Deep
Midnight Blue, Indian Turquoise, Whispering
Turquoise, Spice Pink, Deep Burgundy, Country Red, Antique Rose, Tangelo
Orange, Butterscotch, True Ochre, Espresso, Burnt Sienna, Blue Harbor, Foliage
Green, Plantation Pine, Hauser med Green, Antique White
Extras: Basket from Painters
Paradise, 950 Ridge Road C-10, Claymont, DE, 19703, Ph. 302-798-3897, www.paintersparadise.com
Perm Black Pen, Spatter Tool Brushes: Good flat brushes to include a #14 or
20, Maxine mop ¾, Loew Cornell 7350 #2 or Scharff 455# 1
Background: Soft Blue, add Snow
people pattern, shade around Snowmen – Deep Midnight Blue, soften with mop
November 20, 2021
Nature’s Gifts Christmas Tree
Glue gun
(low setting if possible)
Glue sticks
acrylic paint
round paint brushes
Water basin/water
favorite metallic acrylic paints
“liquid glitter” paints (from fine to chunky)
Glazing or
blending media if you need a liquid base to mix in dry glitter
Clear spray
Lazy Susan
I hope that
all of you will join me in fashioning a natural Christmas tree on November 20,
2021 via Zoom. (Actually, many of you may want to display yours more than just
during the Christmas holidays.) Photos do not begin to capture the gossamer
beauty of this project.
You will
need a conical shape. Styrofoam forms work great. I even have a cone shape that
is a cardboard form draped with velvet. Whatever you use will need to be
painted brown. I have some forms that are rather blunt instead of pointed at
the top, so I added a toothpick for a little more height.
If you are
using some of your own natural findings, be sure to spread them out on a pan
and heat in the oven at 225 degrees for 30 - 45 minutes to eliminate insects
and eggs. Glue on acorn caps. Be sure that the form is painted brown at least a
day ahead of the lesson. Preheat your glue gun well before instruction--maybe
turn it on when you tune in to the meeting on your computer.
October 16,2021
Are you a Fan of Gnomes???
If so, you will want to paint Deborah Ferrell’s Thanksgiving Gnome on October 16 at
10 am on zoom:
Surface: I
use a fan blade but you can do this on any surface. Approximately 8” by 5”
Supplies: Regular painting supplies; light and dark
transfer paper; water bin; etc.
Brushes: I mainly like to use the angle shader ½
and ¼ ; wave filbert or comb; script liner; round-several sizes are fine;
whatever brushes you enjoy using should be fine.
Paints: Lamp Black; Soft Black; Dark Chocolate;
White; Heritage Brick; Orange Flame; Sunny Day; Moon Yellow; Raw Sienna; Tuscan
Red; Black Plum; Napa Red; Warm Beige; Mistletoe; Sour Apple; Burnt Sienna;
Prussian Blue
Paint your surface black or whatever background
color you would like. Transfer the
pattern of the gnome and hat only. We
will put the decorations on the hat later.
Basecoat the hat in light grey or white.
If you have any questions, please feel free to call (252) 671-9622. - Debbie
September 18, 2021
Peggy Harris’s Boo Bunnies with Cyndie Cohn
This project
is done on a black magnetic sheet, but if you don’t happen to have one, choose
any surface that has “magnetic” attraction for you and paint it black.
The colors you
will need are Folk Art Pigments: Burnt Umber, Fawn, Green Umber, Medium Yellow,
Prussian Blue, Pure Black, Red Light, and Titanium White. Additionally, it would help to have Folk Art
Blending Gel, Floating Medium, Extender, Glow-in-the-Dark Varnish, and satin finish
Artist Varnish.
To prepare:
Coat the surface with Brush Extender. Paint the sky area with a mix of Pure
Black, Prussian Blue, and a touch of Titanium White using a large wash brush.
Paint the ground with Green Umber, letting the colors blend as they meet.
Darken the top of the sky with Pure Black.
Lighten the foreground with Fawn. Use as many coats as needed. Let
dry. Seal with matte acrylic spray. Let
dry. Transfer the design outlines with white transfer paper. Undercoat the
bunnies and moon with Titanium White.
Seal again with matte spray.
Transfer the interior designs with gray transfer paper.
July 2021
Chickens in Sun July Project
Liz Miller CDA Mixed Media: Pastel pencil over watercolor
I wanted the chickens to be a fun design full of sunshine
and a little humor. The background starts with watercolor. The chickens are
identified by the use of pastel pencils.
This class will be about the process of creating this
design as we paint.
Watercolors: brands can be flexible and colors can be substituted.
Ultramarine Blue
Burnt Umber
Raw Sienna
Quin Gold
New Gamboge
Winsor Red
Any other warm colors that you like
Pastel Pencils: I used Cretacolor but any non-oil
base will do. I matched my pencils to the watercolors mostly.
472 21 Umber or Burnt Umber - dark
471 08 Chromium Yellow
- warm yellow
471 15 Permanent red dark
- any bright red
Prussian Blue - to match the Ultramarine Blue
Ochre Dark - similar to Raw Sienna
472 50 Ivory Black
General’s Charcoal White
- White Chalk Pencil
Large wash brush (1 or 1 ½” wash)
¾” wash brush
Large round
Plastic wrap
Course grained salt or table salt if
you don’t have the course grain sea salt Mister
Board support
Artist tape
Old hand towel or wash cloth
Water container
Paper towels
Paper stumps or a clean finger
Tracing paper for pattern and for covering your surface
where your hand rests, ½ sheet will do
I used 140# watercolor paper, cold press
June 2021
Chickadee on a Branch – June
This sweet little chickadee would make a great
card or would look nice on the top of a box (yes, colored pencil can be
done on wood). I haven’t done the sample yet but will have some done in time
for June.
Do not worry about the Gamsol. I have added the
colorless blender to the supply list and that will work nicely. -Trish
Pencil Palette - Prismacolor Premier:
White PC938, Black PC935, Cream PC914, Sand PC940, French
Grey 50% PC1072,
French Grey 20% PC1069, Warm Grey 70% PC1056, Sienna
Brown PC945,
Warm Grey 10% PC1050, Cool Grey 30% PC1061, Slate Grey
Green PC1020, Clay Rose PC1017, Grey Green Light PC289, Colorless Blender PC1077
Supplies: ruler,
pencil, waxless transfer paper like Saral, kneaded eraser, battery
eraser, good quality handheld eraser, drawing board, large mop or other brush
to use
to sweep
away pencil debris, tortillion, water brush filled with Gamsol Odourless
Mineral Spirits
Golden Archival Varnish spray
Paper - 6" x 6" white Stonehenge
1. Measure and mark a
5" x 5" square.
2. Copy the line drawing
onto tracing paper using your home copier if possible. If not, trace out
tracing paper accurately.
3. Using waxless transfer
paper, transfer design onto Stonehenge accurately and lightly.
May 2021
Hi Everyone,
I purchase my gourds locally from
Paulette Disbrow. You can contact her to make arrangements:
919-272-3797 / paulette@pkdsp.com or you can order them from any of the
NC gourd growers or online.
You will need:
1 to 2 inch spinner gourd
1 1 oz tube of Quikwood (available at Lowes
and/or Home Depot or online)
Small knife or blade
Normal painting supplies
I cannot remember the exact colors, so
use what you have in these colors…
Dark Green
Light Green
Cad Yellow
Orange or Cad Red light (for shading the yellow)
April 2021
Carol Spohn seminar for members/
March 2021
Here is a little tip on how I do all my scripting…
I open a word doc…I choose a font…
Set font size… 72 is largest size on the
drop-down but the large A next to the font size drop down will enlarge many
times over! Figuring out how large to
go? Well, that one is up to you!
Calm Sea
Then I grab my tracing paper, trace it on my pattern, paint it, and I have
my lettering!
Supplies that I will be using for the class are as follows:
Note: If you do not want to buy any of the supplies, come up with alternatives
and share with the group. I am sure we
would all like alternatives!!
Michaels Crafts 3 x 9 wooden art panel
www.decoart.com Deco Art Media Fluid Acrylics Prussian
Blue, Cobalt Teal Hue, Diarylide Yellow, Primary Magenta, Carbon, Titanium
White, Paynes Grey.
Deco Art Americana Acrylics Asphaltum, Light Buttermilk
Deco Art Media Mediums Matta Medium, White Gesso.
www.thebrushguys.com Dynasty Faux Squirrel 1827 1/2 angle,
#2 Rigger, #2 round,
Tracy Moreau Stencil Brush 1/2 Misc:
Tim Holtz Idea-ology Tissue Wrap Postale.
White or grey Graphite paper.
Black Gell Pen ( Signa . 38)
February 20th.
2021 Project by Lillian Davids
Creative Doodling is a term to describe the art of using repeat patterns (doodles) to decorate a picture or pattern. Other terms used are Line Weaving or Zentangle
Recent research in neuroscience, psychology and design shows that doodling is a powerful tool that can help people stay focused, grasp new concepts and retain information. A blank page also can serve as an extended playing field for the brain, allowing people to revise and improve on creative thoughts and ideas.
Michael Coleman from the Rock Point School, defines doodling as simply drawing any kind of marks in any kind of way, that just feels good, might have no purpose, and might be entirely unrecognizable to someone else! It’s like (nearly) mindless daydreaming or humming or tapping your fingers on a table. But in these activities and doodling, oftentimes, patterns, themes, and repeated symbols form and reappear. And, of course, you can do it with pencil and paper.
Now that we have established what doodling is, let’s get back to business!
For this project, we will be enhancing 5 gemstones with simple
doodling settings and all will be connected by a chain as you can see in the
finished design, color picture #1
The supplies needed are many basics that you most of you already might have as shown on picture #2:
Prismacolor Premier Colored Pencils – Box of 36 - (I will list all the colors needed and they are all part of the 36 pencil box).
Strathmore Mix Media paper. Vellum Surface. 6” x 8” or
watercolor paper HOT PRESS (Smooth surface)
Sakura Micro Pigma Pen –
Black – size 3 and 5
Uni-ball Signo Broad UM-153
White – Gel Pen
Black graphite pencil
Prismacolor colorless
Blender #PC-1077
Eraser or Kneaded Eraser.
A good Pencil Sharpener.
5 Tortillons (medium size) –Optional
for blending and softening the gems.
Black Graphite paper (if you are tracing your pattern)
Stylus (if you are tracing your pattern)
All these supplies are easily found at Michael’s where you can use your coupons. Dick Blick, Jerry’s Artarama, and Cheap Joe’s also are good sources.
Do not worry if you cannot find a specific item. The colorless blender (looks like a pencil but the lead is just wax), can be replaced by using a tortillon (little paper stub rolled tight). If you do not have the Prismacolor Premiers Colored pencils and have another brand, use those. All you really need for each color gem is a light, medium and dark value of each color and a black or dark blue color. You will need a White and for that I would stress to get the Prismacolor Premier White #PC-938 (Comes in the box of 36). Other brands will not give you the same results.
You also need to have a good sharp
point in your pencils and have your pencil sharpener on hand if needed
while working. The colors we will be using for all the 5 gems are as follows:
Apple Green 912 Indigo Blue 901 Process Red 904 White 938
Black 935
Light Cerulean Blue 904
Sienna Brown 945
Canary Yellow 916
Light Umber 941
Spanish Orange 1993
Chartreuse 989
Mulberry 995 True Blue 903
Cream 914
Olive Green 911
Tuscan Red 937
Dark Green 908
Orange 918
Ultramarine 902
Goldenrod 1034
Parma Violet 932 Violet 932
Grass Green 91
Poppy Red 922
Violet Blue 933
Make sure your paper has a smooth surface (Bristol, Vellum). If you do not have a pad and don’t want to buy one, you can still paint your gems in regular copy paper. I’ve done that many times and if you just want to get your feet wet to see if you like it, try it that way. In fact, you can use the paper with the pattern given and shown on picture #3.
I did the gems on a 6” x 8” white cardboard Strathmore Mix Media paper Vellum Surface. If you have something else, use what you have. You can enlarge and reduce the size, but the size given on the pattern (about 4 3/4” wide x 4” height) for the whole design, is a good size to start. You don’t want to go any bigger than 1 1/2” at the widest part of your gem (setting not included).
Just trace the pattern (see pic.#3) onto your surface with your tracing paper and
stylus. You can also do it free hand (eyeball) with a graphite pencil. You can
eliminate some of the gems if you like and do your own design position. It’s a
doodle and anything goes! We will go over the tracing with a pen later and
erase the tracing lines.
If you want, very lightly draw a pencil line as reference where the
chain will go around the gems (Picture #4) or we can do it in class. Do not trace the
actual chain design. That is part of the class and I’m including visual steps
for the chain as well as the gem’s settings that you can see in picture #5.
If you feel like “the hell with the chain!” and just want to do the
gems, use pattern #4 already done for you, and you can enjoy a nice cup of coffee while we all toil doing
the chain! Your choice!
BTW, the chain is fun to do and goes quickly. It’s the first thing we’ll do and will set your brain in “doodle mode”.
Let’s doodle together!
PS.: A short tutorial will be available before the meeting.
March 20, 2021
is a little tip on how I do all my scripting…
open a word doc…
choose a font…
Set font size… 72 is largest size on the
drop-down but the large A next to the font size drop down will enlarge many
times over! Figuring out how large to
go? Well, that one is up to you!
Calm Sea
Then I grab my tracing paper, trace it on my
pattern, paint it, and I have my lettering!
Supplies that I will be using for the class are
as follows:
Note: If you do not want to buy any of the supplies, come up with alternatives
and share with the group. I am sure we
would all like alternatives!!
Crafts 3 x 9 wooden art panel
Deco Art Media Fluid Acrylics Prussian Blue, Cobalt Teal Hue, Diarylide Yellow,
Primary Magenta, Carbon, Titanium White, Paynes Grey.
Art Americana Acrylics Asphaltum, Light Buttermilk Deco Art Media Mediums Matta
Medium, White Gesso.
Dynasty Faux Squirrel 1827 1/2 angle, #2 Rigger, #2 round,
Moreau Stencil Brush 1/2 Misc:
Holtz Idea-ology Tissue Wrap Postale.
or grey Graphite paper.
Black Gell Pen ( Signa . 38)
It's not too early to start planning for the November 2021 project! We'll need to collect natural objects to attach to a styrofoam cone. I've already collected sweet gum balls and small/tiny pinecones in the last week. Every stinkin' acorn has started trying to sprout, so that'll have to wait until next fall. Small magnolia pods can be used. Even small okra pods should work. You might want to use a couple of cotton boll pods for the star on top; I used the largest sweet gum ball instead. I suppose various nuts could be used. I would suggest planning on storing the tree in a mouse-proof container lest field mice find their way to your delectable creation! You also might want to collect more than you will need in order to share with other club members. Happy hunting! -Vivian Byrd
December 11 at 10 AM- Acrylic: “Snow Days” – Susan Tesreau
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