to join a local chapter.
Great Reasons to join SDP:
- Support for our society
- Four big issues of The Decorative Painter Magazine
- You are eligible to join your local chapter and it's exciting activities
- Industry-wide Business and Teacher On line Business Resource access
- Teacher Development Program for excellence in teaching
- Annual Decorative painting Conference with classes, exhibits and trade shows
- Members-only Resource Communications Center (purchase option)
- Health Insurance (purchase option)
- Credit Card option
- SDP Member Scholarship Program
- Certification Program
- Web site and knowledgeable staff to serve you
- Validation for your passion.
CADANC Membership Application
$20.00 for 2022
Name: ______________________________________________
Birthdate: __________
Address: _____________________________________________
Phone: ________________ Email: _______________________
National Membership Number: ___________________________
(We MUST have proof of SDP membership for our records to meet National Bylaws, please send as soon as it arrives with your issue of the Decorative Painter for 2021)
Painting Media Level Do you teach?
q Acrylics ____________ ____________
q Oils ____________ ____________
q Watercolor ____________ ____________
q Other __________________________________________
What skills or time would you be willing to share with the chapter?
(Please check one) New membership? ________ Renewal membership? ____________
Mail completed form above, and a copy of your 2021 SDP card, to:
Heather Branham, 38 Sandy Ridge Dr W, Clayton NC 27520-7234.