
CADANC Meeting Minutes, November 20, 2021 

Members present: Diane Cantoni, Trish Shaw, Sharron Jones, Cyndie Cohn, Ann Erteschik, Mary Webb, Heather Branham, Vivian Byrd, Amelia Jayne Whitfield, Diane Cannon, Bea Peterson, Pat Reid, Les Tryon, Margaret Jerman, Sue Harley, and presiding Janet Farrell. 

 SDP project, should have background done and pattern on. Paints used so far are plum suede, morning mist.

Meeting called to order.

Voting on the slate of officers:

President Mary Webb

Vice President membership Jean Soehnlein

Vice President monthly meetings Dianne Cantoni

Newsletter Vicki Michael

Secretary Vivian Byrd

Treasurer Sue Harley


Heather stated that we have a new member: Judy Severin.  She will be joining in December.

Make sure you have your ornaments in the mail by end of the month.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving.

Meeting adjourned.

Pat Reid

CADANC Meeting Minutes, September 18, 2021 

The September 18, 2021 meeting of CADANC was called to order by Margaret Jerman at the request of Janet Ferrell, president, who had difficulty accessing the zoom meeting.  Present were guest Carol Davis, as well as members Les Tryon, Cyndie Cohn, Heather Branham, Diane Cannon, Mary Webb, Lillian Davies, Susan Harley, Deborah Ferrell, Margaret Jerman, and intermittently Janet Ferrell.  

Les shared a proposal with members and guest in the meeting that free dues be provided from the chapter treasury for present and past members for a period of one year.  It was pointed out that such a proposal would need the vote of the membership following publication in the chapter newsletter.  There was discussion regarding who might be included in the “free dues” and whether to extend the offer to include SDP dues or not.  Les agreed to write the proposal for publication to be followed by a vote.  

The meeting was concluded and Cyndie began her instruction of Peggy Harris’s Boo Bunny project.

Respectfully submitted,

Margaret Jerman, acting at the request of Pat Reid

    Minutes from July 17, 2021 CADANC Meeting

Present: Sharron, Liz, Susan, Dianne W., Debbie F, Janet D., Lillian, Margaret, Vivian, Mary W., Cindy R., Sue H., Donna B., Diane Cannon, Pat R., and Janet F., presiding.
Congratulations to the winner of the 3-D contest - Susan Tesreau.

Susan and Liz brought up the possibility to have our classes thru Facebook. Thoughts included how to have the groups divided or have separate group for members. They will look into it and get back to us.

Sharron announced the winners of the gift certificates. Susan won the 3D prizes and Diane Cannon won the participant prize with 1 point separating her with Debbie the runner up. Send any ideas for the remaining gift certificate to Sharron.

Janet is looking for volunteers for the Nominating Committee. If no volunteers than she will appoint someone.

As of today, there are 6 people signed up for the Tracy Moreau seminar. If you want to sign up send $20 to Trish. Question was brought up if we should open it up to outside chapter people. More to come.

Someone wanted to know where to get stencils. Sandy McTier, Patricia Rollins on Etsy, and Cupboard Distributing were mentioned.

Respectfully submitted,

Pat Reid


CADANC Meeting Minutes 5/15/2021

Members present: Margaret, Susan T., Debbie F., Les T., Trish S, Lillian D., Amelia Jayne W., Ann, Pat R., Heather B., and Janet F, presiding.
Tracey Moreau has consented to do a one-day workshop in August for our meeting. It will be her design especially for us. The board has decided to subsidize the difference so the members will only pay $20. The difference will depend on the amount of people in the workshop. It will be virtual, and more info will be forthcoming. Send checks to Trish.

Margaret wants anything you may have for the newsletter sent to her.

Heather wants to congratulate Diane Cannon as she has already sent in her dues for next year.
We will need a nominating committee for next year’s board by August.

Next meeting projects will be done by Trish with chickadee in colored pencil in June, and Liz with chickens in watercolor and pastel pencils, mixed media in July, Tracey Moreau in August, and Cindy Cohen with a revamp of Boo Bunnies in September.      The meeting adjourned.

CADANC Meeting Minutes 1/16/2021

 Susan opened the meeting at 9 am.  Janet called the meeting to order.  The upcoming meetings were discussed.  Volunteers were called for to teach the projects.  Susan and Liz volunteered to teach.  In attendance were Heather Branham, Susan Tesreau, Sue Harley, Margaret Jerman, Liz Miller, Pat Reid, Trish Shaw, Diane Cannon, Vivian Byrd, Cindy Reams, Mary Webb, Ann Erteschik, and Janet Ferrell, presiding.     -Pat Reid, Secretary

CADANC Meeting Minutes 11/21/2020 

Members attending: Diane Woodridge, Trish Shaw, Les Tryon, Vivian Byrd, Heather Branham, Susan Tesreau, Lilian Davids, Ann Erteschik, Margaret Jerman, Pat Reid, and Janet Ferrell, presiding.

Janet called the meeting to order.  Janet presented the slate of officers for the new year and called for any additions. MOTION: Heather moved to accept the slate of officers as given.   Susan seconded.  MOTION PASSED.

New Business - The seminar chair, Susan, wants direction on the chapter’s wishes in regards to arranging seminars, how many and dates.  Carol Spohn is set for April 16-18.  She will send out a survey with other ideas.

Please renew your membership in both CADANC and SDP if you have not done so.

Margaret is set to do a paint project on 12/12. This is an SDP sponsored project.

CADANC Meeting Minutes 10/17/2020 

Members present, Susan Tesreau, Sharron Jones, Mary Webb, Heather Branham, Cindy Reams, Vivian Byrd, Trish Shaw, Sue Harley, Lillian Davids, Liz Miller, Margaret Jerman, Les Tryon, Anita Trippi, Pat Reid, Terri Smith, guest and Janet Ferrell, presiding.

Report by Sharron: deadline to report to Sharron if you will be attending Dirty Santa event at the Christmas zoom party will be 12/16/2020. Besides Dirty Santa there will be a painting quiz. Online there is a State Fair Game so get your entry in.

Report from Heather: Membership is at 15 members who have both paid their SDP dues and 11 who have paid their CACANC dues at this time.

Mary’s report: several artists were brought up as potential artists for Chapter seminars. Brenda Stewart’s charge would be what she regularly would charge for an in person seminar. Lynne Andrews does do zoom seminars. Jo Sonja does do an 8 hr. streaming video. If you have any artists in mind send to Susan.

Old Business: The chapter paid Liz for a seminar and a credit is in effect for next year.   For in person meetings there will have to be a lower Covid threat.

Respectfully submitted by Pat Reid

CADANC Meeting Minutes 5/16/2020 
Members Present: Sharron Jones, Pat Reid, Mary Webb, Lillian Davids, Les Tryon, Trish Shaw, Cindy Reams, Liz Miller, Margaret Jerman, Vivian Byrd, and Susan Tesreau, Dianne Wooldridge, Kathleen Miller, Anita Trippi, Lillian Davids, Jean Soehnlein, Vicki Michaels, Diane Cannon, presided by Janet Ferrell.  
This meeting is being held over zoom.

Seminars : Susan has contacted Carol Spohn and colored pencil artists for retreat. She has contacted 10 and has had 4 replies. Should we set the dates for retreat for April 2021, October 2021 or wait until 2022?

Newsletter: Send any news to Margaret.
Ways and Means: Jean has memory boxes. Mary hasn’t been able to deliver the boxes so will try after summer. Hang on to the ones you have.
Picnic was scheduled for June 20” to be held outside. 
Diane C. moved and Margaret seconded. MOTION TO CANCEL THE PICNIC AND HAVE A VIRTUAL MEETING INSTEAD. Motion passed. Frog from retreat will be taught after the meeting. Let Margaret know if need one. She will send out an email and find out if you need one to be mailed or picked up at Liz’s studio. Susan: fawn will be done at the September meeting. Let us now paint.
Secretary’s note. Since we do not have anyone signing in on paper, it was extremely difficult to record who was there by what was on the screen so if there are missing people, I apologize but let me know and I will add you.
Any pictures that were taken during the last year please send them to Pat Reid.
Tabled for now. Meeting adjourned.
-Pat Reid

CADANC Minutes February 15, 2020

Members Present: Margaret Jerman, Natalie Roskam, Trish Shaw, Liz Miller, Anita Trippi, Les Tryon, Pat Reid, Amelia Jayne Whitfield, Heather Branham, Sue Harley, Vivian Byrd, Susan Tesreau, Mary Webb, Dianne Cannon, Zoe Roskam (guest), and Janet Ferrell, presiding.   
Archives: It was decided to do away with the library.  Everything is for sale.  That which is not marked is $1.00.  Give money to Trish for the Chapter.
Membership: A list is being passed around to make any changes.  Greeters, prizes, and projects are needed.  Susan stated that she had extra plaques and frogs left as well as paints.  The paints can be used to finish projects.  We decided to keep the newer paints and to donate the older paints to Brookdale seniors.
Seminar chair 2021:  Susan Tesreau.  There is a possibility of working with the Wilmington chapter.  If you have suggestions for teachers, please let Susan know.
Ways and Means:  Suggestions were bake sale, 50/50 sale, and trunk sale.
Historian: If anyone has pictures taken at Retreat, please send to Pat.
Baskets & Brunch: Lighthouses still need painting.  Not all of the same construction.  Natalie still needs auction items, baskets, hand-made items for sale.  Raffle tickets for jewelry box were handed out to each member.  $25 worth.  If they don’t sell, then return them.  Lunch will be $25 as the tickets were already printed.  Dessert was not included at this price as it would have cost extra.  Since the tickets were already printed, it was decided to have a separate dessert.  The choices were to have a courtesy box of chocolates, commercial cupcakes, or no dessert.  A vote was taken and commercial cupcakes will be provided by Margaret.
Website: Sharron is doing a wonderful job with the website.
Old business: Suggestions were made at the end of Janet’s previous term to have the By-Laws reviewed and changes brought to the Chapter’s attention.  1. Motions are to be put in all capitals. 2. At the end of the year, summarize and print all motions.  3. Seminar Chair is an elected position.  MOTION TO ELECT SUSAN TESREAU AS SEMINAR CHAIR FOR 2021.  MOTION PASSED.
Projects for Home Grown Seminar in May:  Liz Miller presented an experimental watercolor landscape technique with several examples as well as the possibility of using alcohol inks.  Susan Tesreau presented an acrylic fawn project.  Natalie Roskam had a hand-painted light-up card.  And Margaret had hand-painted magnets.
State Fair:  A letter was sent by Susan expressing the Chapter’s disappointment about the reorganizing of the categories in decorative painting.  No response, as yet.
Announcements: Bea Peterson’s husband, Robert, passed away about a week after Retreat.
Home-Grown Seminar will be Saturday and Sunday, May 15-16.
Meeting adjourned.                                                                      

Pat Reid, Secretary

CADANC Minutes November 16, 2019

Members Present: Liz Miller, Janet Ferrell, Sharron Jones, Pat Reid, Les Tryon, Margaret Jerman, Natalie Roskam, Sue Harley, Carol Burns, Donna Blanton, Mary Webb, Dianne Cantoni, Amelia Jayne Whitfield, Cindy Reams, Mary McLaughlin and Diane Cannon.
January meeting; Discussion on whether we should have a meeting in January or not. Discussion about what needed to be decided. Chairs have to be filled so we should have a small business meeting during retreat. Sharron moved to have a small business meeting during retreat in January. Diane Cannon seconded. Motion passed.
Slate of Officers for 2020: President – Janet Ferrell
VP Membership - Heather Branham
 VP Newsletter - Margaret Jerman
Secretary – Pat Reid
Treasurer – Trish Shaw
Diane Cannon moved to accept the slate as read and seconded by Sue Harley. Motion passed. Susan Tesreau was nominated as Seminar Chair.
Baskets and Brunch: Natalie needs volunteers to paint the different scenes on the box for the raffle. She had the designs on the box with her.
Christmas Party: Will be on December 15th at Mary Webb’s home from 2pm to 5pm. Potluck Brunch. Also bring a handmade ornament if you wish to participate in the Dirty Santa game.
Retreat: The cost will be 120.00 for members and 150.00 for non-members. It will be held in Pinehurst.
State Fair: Several of our members won ribbons at the State Fair but not in the painting category. Diane Cannon moved to revisit State Fair issues at the January business meeting. It was seconded. Motion passed with 1 opposed.
Seminars for 2020: Since this year will be one for Retreat and Baskets and Brunch there will be one seminar. Discussion was made about the dates of May 15th and 16th, a Friday and Saturday was suggested. It was also suggested that we have volunteers from the chapter to teach.  Anyone who wishes to teach should have a project with pictures and a description ready by the February meeting. There is a possibility of Pam S would be willing to teach painting a scarf with markers.
Move to Adjourn.

November 18, 2017
The November meeting of the Capital Area Decorative Artists NC chapter of the Society of Decorative Painters was called to order in Liz Miller’s Artful Endeavors Studio by Vice President Liz Miller on the 18th at 9:30 a.m.  Present in addition to Liz were Vicki Michael, Dianne Cantoni, Carol Burns, Sue Harley, Jean Soehnlein, Pat Reid, Les Tryon, Mary Webb, Sharron Jones, Anita Trippi, Maggie Watkins, Amelia J Whitfield, Susan Tesreau, Vivian Byrd, Mary McLaughlin, Janet Dodson, Margaret Jerman and new member Suzanne Van Rijn.
Liz announced that President Janet Ferrell had had surgery yesterday, but other than feeling dizzy and having a headache, was doing fine.
Pat moved that the minutes be accepted as published in the newsletter.  Sharron seconded and the motion passed.
Liz introduced new member Suzanne Van Rijn, and welcomed her to the chapter.

Vicki announced that Lydia would be using pan pastels and ‘waterbrushes’ as well as colored pencils for the Retreat projects.  She said there were only a couple of seats still available, so anyone who wants to go but has yet to register needs to be quick about letting her know.
Carol reported that Liz had kindly made a slide show of the projects for Mark Menendez’s spring seminar and they were available for viewing.  She asked that members who planned to attend please vote on the projects, keeping in mind that we were selecting two colored pencil projects and 1 acrylic.
Maggie congratulated the chapter on turning in 22 memory boxes at the previous meeting, bringing the total for the year to 101!  She requested that anyone turning in a box please sign it so she can give the artist credit, but said that she added the sticker to the inside of each lid that included the name of the chapter and the poem upon which we had agreed, so there was no need to put that information.
Dianne reminded members to turn in painted projects for the 2018 Baskets and Brunch fund raising event to be held October 20 at the Chapel Hill Country Club.  She requested help with the tickets and Sharron said she would take care of printing them, but needed a graphic from Dianne to add on.  Liz asked Dianne to explain the event to new members who might not be familiar with it.  Dianne showed some of the projects that had been turned in and explained that the theme for  2018 is “Showers of Flowers” and members are contributing themed baskets to be raffled with contents valuing $50, painting clipboards and glassware to be sold, contributing auction items, and painting table favors and centerpieces.  She explained that tickets for attending the event were going to be sold for $25 each and that covered the brunch, a gratuity, and the table favor each participant would get to keep.  Members, their friends and family, and the general public were all welcome to attend and participate with the purchase of a $25 ticket for each person.
Mary Webb reminded members that we are invited to her home December 10 from 1pm until 3:30pm for our Christmas Brunch.  She asked that we bring “Good (brunch-y) Stuff” to eat (each attendee bring one dish to share) and if we desire to participate in the “Dirty Santa Exchange” that we bring a wrapped, hand-crafted ornament to exchange.
Sharron asked that news articles be turned in to her by Wednesday November 22 due to the holiday weekend.  She also distributed 3 sign-up sheets so that members present could volunteer to be “Greeter”, contribute a door prize, teach a project, or bring a birthday cake during 2018.
Pat asked that any members who had photos from the 2017 Retreat please share them with her for the history of the chapter.
Liz said there were a couple of suggestions that she and Janet proposed for 2018.  Since the SDP requires chapters to have a minimum of 4 business meetings per year, members might want to do that and then use the remainder of the months to have social/paint meetings.  She further suggested that  rather than short, simple projects, we might want to consider planning more educational, innovative, longer projects for the social days.  Members were asked to think about these suggestions.
Meantime, she announced the proposed slate of new officers for 2018 as follows:
President Susan Tesreau
Vice President Heather Branham
Secretary Pat Reid
Treasurer Sue Harley
Newsletter Editor Vicki Michael
Sharron moved that the slate be accepted as introduced.  Pat seconded the motion.  Liz asked for a show of hands to accept or reject.  The officers were accepted as introduced.               
Members suggested that the business meeting months be January, March, June, and September for 2018.  The months were accepted so that those who had volunteered to do the programs for those months would be aware that they could do shorter, simpler programs to accommodate the time needed for the business meetings. 
Vivian, who volunteered to teach in January, asked members to be prepared to paint first and have the meeting afterward since she will be doing a poured paint project and that will allow the paint to dry enough to be transported by the end of the meeting.
Mary McLaughlin asked for a room-mate for Retreat; Les volunteered.
The drawing was held for the door-prize, a lovely ceramic holiday tray and kitchen towel, which was won by new member Suzanne.
There being no further business, Liz adjourned the meeting at 10 am.
Respectfully submitted,
Margaret Jerman, Secretary

General Minutes Oct 2017 

The October meeting of the Capital Area Decorative Artists NC chapter of the Society of Decora-tive Painters was called to order in Liz Miller’s Artful Endeavors Studio by President Janet Fer-rell , on the 21st at 9:30 a.m. Present in addition to Janet were Liz Miller, Sharron Jones, Pat Reid, Les Tryon, Vivian Byrd, Ellen C. Healy, Lillian Davids, Carol Burns, Dianne Cantoni, Trish Shaw, Sue Harley, Anita Trippi, Mary Webb, Sue Hanehan, Ann Erteschik, Cindy Reams, Carolyn Holbrook, Vicki Michael, Mary McLaughlin, and Margaret Jerman.
After welcoming attendees, Janet requested a motion, which was made by Pat Reid and se-conded by Sue Hanehan, to accept the September minutes as printed in the newsletter. The motion passed.
Carol Burns announced that she had membership applications for those still needing to get their dues paid for 2018. Janet reminded members that they also need to renew their SDP dues to be chapter members.
Carol presented an example of November’s program, a Christmas ornament, for which Liz will be ordering surfaces for members wishing to participate. Members need to notify Carol before Wednesday so that the order can be placed. Carol will be sending a notice to Sharron to distribute to members who didn’t attend the October meeting so that they can reserve surfaces in time for the order to be completed.
Carol reminded members that Mark Menendez will be teaching two colored pencil projects and one acrylic project during his seminar on the third weekend of April 2018. Registration will soon be open for this seminar.

Dianne Cantoni encouraged members who had finished items for the Baskets and Brunch event to bring their finished pieces and turn them in, so she will have an idea of what still needs to be done.
Pat Reid asked for pictures from Retreat to be sent to her, since that is an event she is unable to at-tend.
Anita received many thanks for all the beautiful cards she has made and sent to members as Sun-shine Chairperson. She said she still has some Thanksgiving and Christmas cards to do, but then will be retiring from her position.
Mary Webb invited members to attend the December party at her home at 801 Old Mill Rd., Chapel Hill, NC 27514, on December 10 from 1 to 3 pm. Mary also made a motion that we exchange handmade ornaments at that event. Vicki seconded the motion and it passed.

Lillian suggested that the chapter might consider having tee shirts or aprons printed with a chapter logo for members or as a gift for visiting instructors.
Ellen announced that the NC Gourd Festival would be held at the Holhouser Building on the fair-grounds beginning November 4 with an entry fee of only $2. She pointed out that there would be classes available for decorating gourds as well as many beautiful art projects on display and opportu-nities to purchase gourds, if members wanted to use them for our own art projects.
The drawing was held for the door prize and Pat received a beautifully decorated Halloween “bottle of BOO’s” with lights inside.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:08 am so that members could paint kitties and pumpkins with Sharron.
Respectfully submitted,
Margaret Jerman, Secretary


Capital Area Decorative Artists NC Minutes 2014

Minutes from the June 21, 2014 Meeting Minutes for the Capital Area Decorative Artists NC Chapter of the Society of Decorative Painters

Meeting called to order by President, Vivian Byrd at 9:35 A.M. in Liz Miller’s Artful Endeavors Studio. Present in addition to Vivian were Liz Miller, Janet Ferrell, Margaret Jerman, Anita Trippi, Dianne Cantoni, Mary Webb, Vicki Michael, Sharron Jones, Lillian Davids, Trish Shaw, Susan Tesreau, Jean Soehnlein, Cindy Reams, Patsy Fulford and Lisa Keys. 
Vivian welcomed guests:  Reiko Powell, Nancy Lach, Janet Dodson and Chris Latham. Each member and guest introduced themselves.
Cindy Reams will be available to take pictures for the CADANC scrapbook. Each member should send a small bio about 1 paragraph to Cindy for the scrapbook, too.
Vivian received a Certificate from SDP for 25 years of membership. Not sure if it is CODA or HOCT related since the years do not match either. Cindy will keep with the scrapbook.
Margaret Jerman made a motion to accept the minutes as written for the May 2014 meeting. Susan Tesreau seconded. Motion passed.
 The remaining items from Lynda Zaraza’s donations will be kept at Dianne’s until September. All members are welcome to stop by Dianne’s after the July meeting to pick up any items at a great discount. (Or call Dianne to set up a time to stop by). There are still a great number of items and patterns. These funds will be donated to CADANC.

Retreat 2015 – Mary Webb discussed Lynne Andrews for Retreat 2015 for Feb 5th through the 8th 2015.  There will be a Make It Take It, as well, as a.NC Santa designed for our Chapter by Lynne Andrews.  The Hampton Inn in Rocky Mount is now taking reservations (phone #252-937-6333). Approx. room cost is 99.00- $105.00 per night. Retreat cost is $120.00. Mary will accept checks at any time, but will be holding them until a future date. Thursday night dinner is available at the hotel, breakfast from 6-10 each day (until food runs out) and Saturday night dinner will be catered and served at the hotel. Open to members until September. In September we will decide on the make it –take it project.
Seminars – Vivian discussed a 2 day seminar in August to replace the cancelled Dianne Bunker seminar. The projects were chosen by the members in attendance and they will be held on Saturday and Sunday in August. One class taught by Liz Miller and one taught by Susan Tesreau. Janet Ferrell made a motion that these seminars be a Chapter-sponsored seminar for members in good standing. Vicki Michael seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
            We need to be thinking about teachers for 2016 for retreat and seminars. Mary Webb suggested each member suggest 3 teachers and we will try to book them early.

            For 2015 Mark Polomchak’s seminar will be Oct. 30, 31 and Nov 1st.
Ways & Means – Sharron Jones advised that the tickets are available for both the fireplace screen and the Baskets ‘n Brunch. Sharron reviewed the painted items brought in for the B ‘n B. We are on track with Sharron’s timeline, but the baskets are due in August for non-perishable items and in Sept. for perishable items.
The meal for the B ‘n B will be chicken salad, greens, fresh fruit, sorbet and cookies. If there are any dietary restriction please let Mary Webb know.
Trish Shaw and Janet Ferrell will be the ticket sellers, Mary Webb and Kristin Trippi will be the auctioneers and Margaret Jerman and Dianne Cantoni will be the greeters.
The State fair was briefly discussed as a reminder to get items ready. More details to follow.
Next month all members are asked to bring in their painted/crafted gourds items for show and tell.
The “Maker Faire” sponsored by NC State University was discussed by Anita as a possible venue to attract more members. We will need to discuss other options and perhaps a committee would need to be formed to research further. Vivian announced there will be a Board meeting in July. Today’s project is an open house with a Patriotic Rooster ornament/magnet taught by Anita. Margaret Jerman, Mary Webb and Vicki Michael won the greeters door prizes brought by Vivian Byrd. Meeting adjourned at 10:45 A.M.
Respectfully submitted, Anita Trippi, Secretary

Minutes from the May 17, 2014 Meeting Minutes for the Capital Area Decorative Artists NC Chapter of the Society of Decorative Painters
Meeting called to order by President, Vivian Byrd at 9:35 A.M. in Liz Miller’s Artful Endeavors Studio. Present in addition to Vivian were Liz Miller, Janet Ferrell, Margaret Jerman, Anita Trippi, Carol Burns, Dianne Cantoni, Sue Harley, Mary Webb, Mary Greene, Amelia Jayne Whitfield, Vicki Michael, Sharron Jones, Lillian Davids, Trish Shaw, Kathy Miller, Susan Tesreau, Jean Soehnlein, and Kate Mahoney.
Vivian welcomed a guest, Lisa Keys, and asked her to introduce herself.  
Janet Ferrell made a motion to accept the minutes as written for the March 2014 Meeting.  Dianne Cantoni seconded.  The motion passed.
Vivian inquired as to what the Chapter could do in Betty Lemay's memory.  Janet Ferrell made a motion to donate $100 to the National Museum of Decorative Painting in Atlanta, GA in Betty's memory.  The motion passed unanimously.
Ways & Means - Sharron Jones advised that the tickets are available for both the fireplace screen and the Baskets 'n Brunch. Volunteers are needed for the B 'n B greeters, auctioneer and ticket sellers. Sharon reviewed the painted items brought in for the B 'n B.
Today after the meeting and again after the project, members were invited to Dianne Cantoni's home to purchase items brought from Lynda Zaraza.  She is a painter from Burlington, NC who donated her surfaces and supplies to our Chapter. It was decided to send all proceeds from today's sale back to Lynda and the Chapter will handle the proceeds from the remaining items sold.
Retreat 2015 - Mary Webb discussed Lynn Andrews for Retreat 2015 for Feb 5th through the 8th 2015.  There will be a Make It - Take It, as well as a NC Santa designed for our Chapter by Lynn Andrews.  Everything is set and more information will be forthcoming as the date gets closer.
Philanthropy - Sue Harley reported 5 memory boxes received: 1 by Vivian and 4 by Anita.
Library - Vivian thanked Amelia Jayne for her hard work in organizing the library. Amelia Jayne asked that one of the members bring it down from the attic when she is not able to attend a meeting. She also suggested that each member write a paragraph or two telling about themselves for the Chapter scrapbook that Cindy is putting together. Today's project is a colored pencil project taught by Liz Miller.  June will be an open house with a Patriotic Rooster ornament/magnet taught by Anita.
Sue Harley won the greeter's door prize painted by Margaret Jerman.  Margaret also donated 2 other door prizes.  
Meeting adjourned at 10:00 am.

Respectfully submitted, Anita Trippi, Secretary

No Business Meeting in April.

Minutes from the March 15, 2014 Meeting Minutes for the Capital Area Decorative Artists NC Chapter of the Society of Decorative Painters
Meeting called to order by President, Vivian Byrd at 9:35 A.M. in Liz Miller’s Artful Endeavors Studio. Present in addition to Vivian were Liz Miller, Janet Ferrell, Margaret Jerman, Anita Trippi, Carol Burns, Sue Harley, Mary Webb, Amelia Jayne Whitfield, Vicki Michael, Sharon Dobbs, Sharron Jones, Maggie Watkins, Lillian Davids, Jana Hart and Ann Erteschik. 
Maggie Watkins, a new member, introduced herself.
Lillian Davids needs to advise Janet Ferrell of her email.
Janet Ferrell advised that CADANC has a Face book page.
Margaret Jerman made a motion to accept the minutes as written for the February 2014 meeting. Vicki Michael seconded. Motion passed.
No treasurer’s report is available at this time.
Vivian Byrd and Sue Harley discussed the changes to the Standing Rules proposed by the Committee to review changes. After much discussion Vicki Michael made a motion to accept the proposed changes as written and Carol Burns seconded. Motion passed with 3 members abstaining. 
          The change to Section 2 Other will be:
The registration fees will be paid by the Chapter for the following:
          a). Retreat Chair – Retreat during her term of office
          b). Seminar Chair – Seminar(s) during her term of office
          c). President – Seminar(s) during her term of office
          d).Basket ‘n Brunch Chair – a seminar or retreat of her choosing to be used during the calendar year following the Baskets ‘n Brunch.
          The change to Section 8 will be:
8. Event payments are non-refundable, unless there is a waiting list for the event.
Vivian advised that the Diane Bunker seminar was cancelled. Ms. Bunker had advised Les Tryon that she would honor our deposit until Dec. 31, 2015, if we choose to have her teach up until that time.
Vivian showed the new seminar ideas proposed by Les: chicken ornaments to be taught by Les and a barn scene to be taught by Susan Tesreau. After some discussion, Vicki Michael made a motion that we would have an “Easter Party” painting day on Saturday, April 5th. Janet Ferrell seconded. Motion passed. Carol Burns advised she knows of a very good caterer and all members agreed to a catered lunch at a cost of approximately $10.00. Each member will work on her own unfinished projects and it will be a social day only. No meeting. The other 2 days paid for by the Chapter for the Studio will be worked into the schedule later in the year.
Ways & Means – Sharron Jones advised that the tickets are available for both the fireplace screen and the Baskets ‘n Brunch. Please make checks payable to the Chapter. The raffle tickets checks and the ticket stub should be mailed to Sharron. No cash in the mail.
Retreat 2015 – Mary Webb discussed the various teachers she had contacted for Retreat 2015. Sharron Jones made a motion to accept Lynne Andrews for Retreat 2015 and Sharon Dobbs seconded. Motion passed. Lynne Andrews had let Mary know she would design a North Carolina Santa for our Chapter as a 2 day project for retreat. Mary suggested we book 1 year out and that we should be looking at 2016 since teachers’ book up early. If each person proposed 2 or 3 teachers in email form to Mary she will research them. She did speak with Chris Haughey of Cupboard Distributing who is available as a travel teacher.
Seminars 2015 – Liz Miller advised that Janelle Johnson has switched to Lyra pencils and they are approximately $1.39 each. Janelle’s seminar will be 2 days – April 11 and 12, 2015. Liz is arranging to book a seminar with Mark Polomchak in the fall of 2015. Liz had pictures of his work.
Vivian won the greeters door prize painted by Janet Ferrell.
Margaret Jerman mad a motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:45 P.M. Vicki Michael seconded.
Respectfully submitted,      Anita Trippi, Secretary        

Minutes from the February 15, 2014 Meeting Minutes for the Capital Area Decorative Artists NC Chapter of the Society of Decorative Painters

Meeting called to order by President, Vivian Byrd at 11:00 A.M. in Liz Miller’s Artful Endeavors Studio. Present in addition to Vivian were Liz Miller, Les Tryon, Janet Ferrell, Margaret Jerman, Susan Tesreau, Trish Shaw, Anita Trippi, Carol Burns, Dianne Cantoni, Sue Harley, Mary Webb, Amelia Jayne Whitfield, Vicki Michael and Jean Soehnlein. 
There were 2 corrections to January 2014 newsletter. “Kristin” Trippi’s name misspelled and Liz Miller’s email needs to be corrected. Margaret Jerman made a motion to accept the minutes as corrected. Sue Harley seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
Sue Harley advised that she is ordering 72 memory boxes. A thank you to Susan Tesreau and Carol Burns for bringing in completed memory boxes. Also a thank you to Les Tryon for her work with the Triangle Chapter Auto Club and the number of memory boxes they complete.
A discussion ensued regarding the new show & tell format. Vicki Michael felt that the items should be reviewed during the Social ½ hour and no presentation be given to save time. No one disagreed.
Vivian thanked Anita for her DVD reviews and the January newsletter.
Vivian announced that Mary Webb and Dianne Cantoni will co-chair 2015 Retreat. If there are any suggestions for teachers, please contact them.
Liz Miller announced that a founding member of the former HOCT Chapter passed away and her daughter brought in a number of books and VHS tapes. They are vintage Jo Sonja, Millie Smith and Joyce Howard and suggested that we make them a permanent part of our library. The VHS tapes will be converted to DVDs by Margaret Jerman. Amelia Jane will organize the library to ensure these books are not given away at later date but stay permanently in the library.
Trish Shaw stated that the Treasurer’s audit was completed and sent to SDP.
Liz advised that the shelf for upstairs has been ordered and will help Amelia Jayne set up the library.
Vivian advised that Susan will get the packets together for the new members as soon as the Standing Rules are reviewed and revised. She asked who had the electronic version of the CADANC brochure. Carol Burns has it.
Sue Harley asked how many paying members? Trish advised we have 26 paying members.
Les discussed the 3 day seminar with Diane Bunker April 4th -6th. $150 for 3 days includes $30 kit for supplies. Attendees need to supply own surfaces. 2 days of inspiration with various products and 1 day of just metal art.
Greeters’ Gift sign- up sheet was passed around for 2014. The February gift was painted by Anita and won by Susan.
Les made a motion to adjourn at 11:30 A.M. and Trish seconded.
                                                                                    Respectfully submitted,
Anita Trippi, Secretary.

Jan 18, 2014

Minutes from the January 18, 2014 Meeting Minutes for the Capital Area Decorative Artists NC Chapter of the Society of Decorative Painters Meeting was called to order by President, Vivian Byrd at 9:50 A.M. in Liz Miller’s Artful Endeavors Studio. Present, in addition to Vivian, were Liz Miller, Janet Ferrell, Susan Tesreau, Trish Shaw, Anita Trippi, Carol Burns,  Dianne Cantoni, Sharron Jones, Cindy Ream, Sue  Harley, Mary Webb, Mary Greene, Betty LeMay, Amelia Jayne Whitfield, Vicki Michael and new  member, Lillian Davids. 2 guests were in attendance:  Heather Moscrip and Amanda Riggs, co-workers of  Dianne Cantoni. Lillian Davids introduced herself. She is from New York and moved to Durham several months ago. She has been a SDP member since 1996. Originally from Chili and is interested in learning oils.
Amelia Jayne reported that Sharron Jones had ordered new DVDs for the library and they are  available to check out. They are from Jo Sonja, Jamie Mills Price and Shirley Wilson. 

Liz Miller reported that we need an update with  regard to seminars. Have we sent a deposit to Janelle Johnson for the fall of 2015? Mary Greene reported she had not been asked to send a deposit, so no, it had not been sent. Would we like to consider Mark  Polomchak for spring of 2015? Beginners would be welcomed. Vicki Michael made a motion that Liz will pursue Mark Polomchak for a seminar in 2015 and Carol Burns seconded. The motion passed unanimously. 
Liz also discussed whether we should continue the State Fair sponsorship of “The Best in Show”. Currently it is $40 for Hobbyist and $60 for  Professional. Anita Trippi made a motion that we  raise the award to $75 for each category and Vicki Michael seconded. The membership unanimously voted to accept.

Janet Ferrell discussed retreat, in Les Tryon’s  absence. The Butterfly is to be painted Friday, the Rooster on Saturday and the Owl on Sunday. There is a Make-It Take-It mug project also. She believes we  have 20-21 attending. Sue Harley reported that there is a fun activity planned for Friday, also. 
Regarding, Diane Bunker seminar in April – the project should be chosen at Retreat so that the information can be published in the February newsletter.

Sharron Jones asked that each member retrieve their  name tag tent card from the box when they come in and put it back when they leave. Please do not take it home.

Sharron Jones asked whether or not we want to have a Trunk Sale this year in May. It was discussed that it is hard to sell items and purchase items at the  same time. Mary Webb suggested we partner with another member so one could sell while one shopped.  Diane Cantoni made a motion that we have a “For Sale” table at each meeting. For those selling an item, have a card with their name and asking price. 10% will go back to the Chapter. Cindy Reams seconded. The membership voted unanimously to accept.

Sharron Jones also showed the members the fireplace screen progress for Baskets ‘n Brunch. Vivian Byrd will take next to complete the roping and tie the pieces together.

Anita Trippi discussed a change to the meeting format to allow for a social time. She suggested after the doors open, there would be 1 hour social time before the General Meeting and then the project. Also discussed was the setting up of a greeters table, with our current “tent cards” name tags, a sign-in sheet, the Chapter scrapbook and perhaps a ticket for a door prize or 50/50 chance. Liz Miller made a motion that social time start at 9:00 A.M., the meeting at 9:30 A.M. and the project after that. Vicki Michael  seconded. The motion passed unanimously. A sheet  was passed around for members to sign up to be a “greeter”. The Board meeting (4X per year) will be held at 8:30 A.M. for ½ hour. 

Vivian Byrd discussed the need of an audit committee for treasurer’s report which is due February 15th. Vicki Michael made a motion to accept the minutes  for the November 2013 meeting. Sharron Jones seconded.

Cindy Reams stated she will have the scrapbook ready for the greeter’s table in February and if anyone has pictures for the scrapbook, please send them to her. 

Vivian discussed membership recognition. Susan Tesreau described the “Pin a Rose” Program which she had at a previous SDP Chapter. A member will send a nomination of another member to the newsletter editor for outstanding work for the Chapter. It will  be published in the newsletter.

Carol Burns gave a brief overview as to where the coffee and tea is located at the studio. Susan Tesreau has the sign up sheets for programs for 2014, Please tell her it you would be willing to prepare (teach) a project.

Diane Cantoni introduced her 2 guests, Heather Moscrip and Amanda Riggs.

Vivian advised that dues have to be paid by the February 28th to maintain membership and continue to receive a newsletter.
Janet Ferrell advised that items for the newsletter are due by the 1st of the month. 

Anita Trippi inquired about the 2015 retreat plans. It was agreed to wait until after the 2014 retreat to begin planning for 2015.

Meeting adjourned at 10:50 A.M. 
Respectfully submitted,
Anita Trippi, Secretary

Our Dec 2013 gathering was a Christmas party held at Mary Webb's beautifully decorated home. A fun and lively party.

November 9, 2013

The November, 2013, meeting of the Capital Area Decorative Artists NC chapter of the Society of Decorative Painters was called to order in Liz Miller’s Artful Endeavors Studio by President Dianne Cantoni , on the 9th at 9:30 a.m.  Present in addition to Dianne were Liz Miller, Vivian Byrd, Janet Ferrell, Susan Tesreau, Trish Shaw, Anita Trippi, Les Tryon, Mary Webb, Amelia Jayne Whitfield, Sharron Jones, Sue Harley, Vicki Michael, and Margaret Jerman.
After welcoming attendees, Dianne requested a motion, which was made by Sharron and seconded by Janet, to accept the October minutes incorporating the correction requested by Liz that the seminar planned with Kathy Miller was to be held at Artful Endeavors Studio rather than at Kathy’s location.  Liz also mentioned that the point was moot due to the cancellation of the seminar.  The motion passed.
Due to the absence of our treasurer, there was no monetary report.
Dianne asked about plans for our December holiday celebration.  Mary volunteered the use of her home for the date of December 15 beginning at 1 p.m.   Members are asked to contribute a favorite dish to the pot luck luncheon and a hand crafted, wrapped ornament for the dirty Santa exchange.  In order for Mary to plan seating and beverage amounts, members expecting to attend are asked to RSVP to Mary Webb at 801 Old Mill Rd., Chapel Hill, NC 27514.
Sharron moved to change the chapter meeting date from the second Saturday of each month to the third Saturday in order to hopefully avoid conflicts with several members who have other obligations on the second Saturday and thus to hopefully increase attendance and participation in chapter meetings.  Sue seconded the motion and it passed.
Due to Sandra Neuling’s email announcing her impending move back to Florida, Susan volunteered to serve as nominee for Vice President for the chapter for next year.  As a result of the vote changing the meeting dates, Anita rescinded her resignation from the proposed slate of officers and offered to serve as nominee for secretary.  Vicki moved to accept the slate as revised.  Susan seconded the motion and it passed.
Dianne offered congratulations to State Fair ribbon winners and exhibitors.
Les discussed the projects for Retreat with Janice Miller in 2014 which include an owl done on a resin stone or possibly a slate, a rooster done on canvas or other surface of choice, and a shirt that will include some zentangle in the design.  She indicated there would be a free raffle and a wrapped gift exchange included.
Les and Dianne asked that members think about volunteering to head up Retreat for 2015.  Vicki moved that the chapter look at separating Retreat planning duties from the responsibilities of the Seminar Chair.  Janet seconded the motion and it passed.
Sharron announced that the name place cards had been completed and were distributed to each member.  She asked that they be returned at the end of the meeting to be stored at Liz’s studio in anticipation of the next meeting.  She announced that the center section of the fireplace screen had been completed on both sides with the exception of the frame and edges.
Mary  Webb announced that lunch costs for the Baskets and Brunch event will be increased from the previous event.  Trish moved and Les seconded that the chapter absorb any expense above the $20 previously charged.  After some discussion about any charges for alcoholic beverages being the responsibility of guests or members wishing to imbibe, as was the case at the previous event, the motion passed. 
Sue announced that the final box of cookbooks was available to members who were present and after the meeting she would take any remaining to donate to ALTA.  She further mentioned researching the annual needs of hospitals for memory boxes, stating that Wake Med needs 120 boxes per year.  Sue moved and Sharron seconded that instead of trying to support several hospitals with our contributions, the chapter attempts to meet the needs of Wake Med as primary recipient.  The motion passed.
Janet announced that as a result of attempting to organize chapter materials being stored in Liz’s attic, a need for shelving was identified.  Sharron moved that the chapter give Liz funds for a shelving unit currently available on sale from Costco.  Mary seconded the motion and it passed.
Amelia Jayne requested assistance in making decisions on ordering DVD’s for the library from the submitted requests.  Sharron volunteered to place the orders, selecting from the listed suggestions.
Dianne thanked Sharron for the delicious refreshments.
In response to a request for ideas that would make the chapter more attractive: Vicki suggested projects that are more challenging and relevant; Anita suggested a need for more social time; Trish suggested alternating business meetings and project meetings, thus giving more time for more involved projects.
Vicki announced that Margaret Vopelak will be teaching a rose in oils at the next oil painting club meeting at the Civitan Clubhouse in Durham.  The oil club meets on the first weekend of the month, every other month and dues are $25 annually payable to Bennie Penny to be applied directly to the rent of the building.
Janet will send out an excel file of membership in order to update each members’ records.
Vivian suggested contributing reviews of DVD’s to the newsletter in order to stimulate interest in the library.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:55 a.m. in order to draw with Dianne.
Respectfully submitted,
Margaret Jerman, Secretary

Capital Area Decorative Artists Minutes

 October 14, 2013

The October, 2013, meeting of the Capital Area Decorative Artists NC chapter of the Society of Decorative Painters was called to order in Liz Miller’s Artful Endeavors Studio by President Dianne Cantoni , on the 12th at 9:43 a.m.  Present in addition to Dianne were Liz Miller, Vivian Byrd, Ann Erteschik, Janet Ferrell, Cindy Reams, Susan Tesreau, Trish Shaw, Kathy Miller, Kate Mahony, Anita Trippi, Mary Greene, and Margaret Jerman.
After welcoming attendees, Dianne requested a motion, which was made by Mary and seconded by Trish, to accept the September minutes incorporating the correction for the Retreat dates to read “January 31, February 1 and 2”.  The motion passed.
Janet requested for Les Tryon that members who plan on attending the Retreat in 2014 sign up for whatever they would be willing to paint.  Photos of the possible projects were on display.  Retreat registrations and funds should be sent to Les Tryon.  Liz will be delivering some to her.
The next seminar scheduled is with Diane Bunker next April, if she is available at that time.  Mary reported that a check for her retainer had been sent.
A discussion was initiated regarding the need for members who offer to serve the chapter as officers to be willing to loyally commit their time to attend each regular meeting and fulfill their official responsibilities.  If unable to do so, volunteer service on a less demanding level is still welcome and appreciated.  All members are encouraged to become actively involved with our chapter.
Vivian requested that a correction be made in the spelling of her last name in the newsletter.
Because the meeting dates of the second weekend of each month conflicts with other obligations for several members, a vote will be held along with the election of officers in November to decide whether to change the meeting date to the third weekend of each month in order to increase possible attendance.  Members are encouraged to attend to help make these important decisions.
Members were encouraged to visit the State Fair to see the decorative painting displays.  Liz expressed her amusement that she wasn’t even allowed to peek at the entries when she turned in her submissions.
Dianne reminded members to submit their DVD requests to Amelia Jayne Whitfield.
Janet collected submissions for Baskets and Brunch and will deliver them to Sharron Jones.
Kathy announced that Liz will be teaching the painted owl at Kathy’s new gallery “Eye Candy” in Pinehurst on Monday, November 18 from 10 a.m. til 2 p.m.  Members are welcome to register for the class. 
Liz will also be teaching it on October 30 from 2 p.m. til 4 p.m. at Artful Endeavors studio.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:30 in order to paint Patty Rawlinson’s “Give Thanks” pattern.
Respectfully submitted,
Margaret Jerman, Secretary

Capital Area Decorative Artists Minutes

 September 14, 2013

The September, 2013, meeting of the Capital Area Decorative Artists NC chapter of the Society of Decorative Painters was called to order in Liz Miller’s Artful Endeavors Studio by President Dianne Cantoni , on the 14th at 9:35 a.m.  Present in addition to Dianne were Carol Burns, Liz Miller, Sharron Jones, Vivian Byrd, Ann Erteschik, Lynn Strickland, Sue Harley, Janet Ferrell, Cindy Reams, Susan Tesreau, Trish Shaw, Les Tryon,  guests Suzanne and Jerry van Rijn, Patsy Fulford and Margaret Jerman.
After welcoming attendees, Dianne requested a motion, which was made by Sharron and seconded by Carol, to accept the August minutes as printed in the newsletter.  The motion passed.
There was no treasurer’s report due to the absence of Mary Greene.
Les announced that registrations were open for the 2014 Retreat to be held January 24-26 at the Hampton Inn in Rocky Mount with Janice Miller.  She explained that there were photos of several possible projects and requested that only members who were going to attend vote on which projects should be selected.  The Retreat will include a dinner Saturday evening, a possible Make-It-Take-It project, a gift exchange and raffle.
The next seminar scheduled is with Diane Bunker next April 25-27, if she is available at that time.  Les announced that Diane would be staying with her friend Sandy Neuling, thus saving the chapter hotel fees.
Liz reported that Janelle Johnson would be invited to teach a seminar in 2015 using colored pencils.  Mark Polomchak and Terry Bruner were mentioned as additional possible seminar instructors.
Trish shared some beautiful examples of colored pencil projects that she had done recently on suede board and sandpaper as well as regular art paper.
Les shared projects that she had completed at HOOT, also, and photos were taken for the newsletter and website of the shared projects.
Janet asked whether everyone was receiving their newsletter and whether any changes were needed.  The consensus was that all was well.
Sharron reported that Dianne brought back one of the panels from the fireplace screen for Baskets and Brunch, which Cindy will now take in order to complete a lighthouse.  Trish will bring back a completed panel.  When Cindy finishes the lighthouse, Margaret will paint the Grandfather Mountain scene to complete that panel.
Trish and Lynn each brought back a tray.  The trays were photographed.
Sue announced that she had received several memory boxes from Janet, Les, and Liz.  She brought a Halloween ornament painted by Marie O’Tuel for the Baskets and Brunch tree.
Sharron projected that members were getting so many of the ornaments and projects returned in a timely manner that things should all be ready in plenty of time for the event next year.  Susan asked about painting additional ornaments and Sharron explained that might be a possibility.
Cindy reported that she had contacted Margaret Vopelak about the chapter scrapbooks, but Margaret did not have them nor know where they were.  Trish checked the attic and offered to phone Lois Harris to see if she knew the whereabouts of any previous historical chapter information.  Janet announced that she had the tablecloth at her house, having received it from Bobbi Takashima who added to it last.  The suggestion was made to locate the previous scrapbooks and store them with chapter materials at the studio.  Members were reminded that the suggestion was previously made to devote a chapter meeting date project to creating pages for a new CADANC album.
Cindy made a motion that each member’s chapter name pins be finished and members be encouraged to wear them to each meeting with a system of positive reinforcement.  Janet seconded the motion. After some discussion, Sharron volunteered to make name “tents” to which stars or stickers of some kind would be added for each time a member wore her name tag.  Susan volunteered to make up the packets for the pins so they could be distributed to new members.  Packets were to include copies of the chapter standing rules and by-laws as well as the pattern for the pin, the surface, and the pin back to attach it.  It was mentioned that Sandy should have an distribute the packets, but Susan said she had not yet received one.  Dianne called for a vote and the motion passed.
Liz announced that the State Fair deadline for registration of projects to be entered is September 19.    She reviewed the categories available for entries: decorative painting, holiday, Christmas (each with sub categories of “pattern” or “original” for the design); small furniture, stencil, mixed media, watercolor, batik, gourd, and egg.  She also suggested encouraging young people to enter and reminded members that the theme this year is “Homecoming”.
Cindy volunteered to send State Fair information and reminders to each member since the deadline precedes the next newsletter.
Sue introduced guests Suzanne and Jerry van Rijn.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned in order to paint gourds.

Capital Area Decorative Artists Minutes

August 2013

The August, 2013, meeting of the Capital Area Decorative Artists NC chapter of the Society of Decorative Painters was called to order in Liz Miller’s Artful Endeavors Studio by Vice President, Janet Ferrell, due to the illness and absence of President Dianne Cantoni, on the 10th at 9:35 a.m.  Present in addition to Janet were, Anita Trippi, Carol Burns, Mary Greene, Liz Miller, Sharron Jones, Vivian Byrd, Vicki Michael, Amelia Jayne Whitfield, Ann Erteschik, Lynn Strickland, Sue Harley, guest Jennifer Russell, and Margaret Jerman.

After welcoming members, Janet asked that everyone sign the attendance list.

Sue moved that the minutes be accepted as published in the newsletter; Carol seconded the motion; and it passed.  Sue announced that she had received one donation to ALTA and several memory boxes.  She went on to explain that next year’s schedule included Retreat the last weekend in January, a seminar with Diane Bunker for three days in April, the Baskets and Brunch event in October, and a possible seminar with Janelle Johnson in September which would conflict with the meeting of the oil group in Durham to which several members belong.  After some discussion about re-scheduling possibilities, Vicki moved that the seminar with Janelle Johnson be postponed to April of 2015 if that is possible on Janelle’s schedule.  Sue seconded the motion and it passed.  Additionally, the suggestion was made to hold a Pot Luck lunch in August during which projects for the Baskets and Brunch could be completed and then a special project scheduled for September instead.

Janet explained that the seminar scheduled for next month with Gayle Liable had only 6 people registered to participate, with at least one day with only 3 participants, and Gayle required a minimum of 15.  Sharron moved that the seminar be cancelled and the chapter deposit forfeited.  Mary seconded the motion and it passed.  Janet said she would regretfully notify Gayle.  There ensued some discussion of the reasons members who had not signed up for the seminar had made that decision.  The suggestion was made that in the future members who vote to invite an instructor be willing to commit to attending a seminar with that instructor and further that those not willing to attend refrain from voting on the projects for a seminar.
In lieu of the seminar, Margaret will lead a gourd painting project.

Sharron shared an Easter egg ornament that Anita had finished for the Baskets and Brunch event, seven Halloween ornaments that Mary had completed, and the central panel for the fireplace screen that Vivian returned with the scene she had painted.  Liz volunteered to complete the last scene on the panel, the Hatteras light house.  Sharron asked that members consider volunteering to paint the remaining scenes on the two other panels when they are returned so that the edging details on the screen can be finished and the screen put together prior to the event.  The two other panels were not returned at this meeting.
Liz reported that the nominating committee still needed volunteers to fill the offices of Secretary and President on the slate for this fall.  Anita volunteered to act as Secretary with Sue assisting and Vivian volunteered to fill the office of President, completing the slate of proposed officers as follows:

President: Vivian Byrd
1st Vice President: Sandy Neuling
2nd Vice President: Janet Ferrell
Seminar chair, 2014: Les Tryon
Second seminar chair for 2015: Liz Miller
Secretary: Anita Trippi with the assistance of Sue Harley
Treasurer: Trish Shaw

Additional volunteers were listed for the positions of chairs of committees: Cindy Reams as Historian; Sharron Jones as Ways and Means Chair; Sue Harley as Philanthropy Chair; and Betty LeMay or Vicki Michael as Sunshine Chair.
Liz and Lynn suggested that a future meeting be planned around a visit to the NC Museum of Art and luncheon.  Janet pointed out that this had been done in the past with only a very few participants.

Liz announced that she would be teaching the blue vase with the hydrangeas August 31.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:22 in order to paint tiles with Carol.
Respectfully submitted,

Margaret Jerman, Secretary

Capital Area Decorative Artists Minutes


The July, 2013, meeting of the Capital Area Decorative Artists NC chapter of the Society of Decorative Painters was called to order in Liz Miller’s Artful Endeavors Studio by President Dianne Cantoni on Saturday, the 13th at 9:35 a.m.  Present in addition to Dianne, were members Janet Ferrell, Liz Miller, Trish Shaw, Sharron Jones, Vivian Byrd, Cindy Reams, Lynn Strickland, Carol Burns, Amelia Jayne Whitfield, Patsy Fulford, Anita Trippi, Janet Dodson, and Margaret Jerman.  After welcoming members and thanking them for attending, Dianne requested that everyone sign the attendance sheet.

Liz moved that the minutes from the June meeting be approved as published in the Newsletter.  Cindy seconded the motion and the approval was unanimous.

Janet F. reported that registration was now open to non-members for the September Gayle Laible seminar.  She said the cost of the seminar covers the pattern fee.  In addition, Gayle will bring the paper with patterns already on them and paints will be furnished also.  Mats will be available for the finished paintings.  Gayle requires a minimum of 15 students and limits the maximum to 30, however, so far only 5 members had registered, so in order not to have to cancel the seminar, members who want to paint with Gayle need to send in their registrations.  Registration forms have appeared in recent newsletters.

Chapter members made the decision to request changes in the dates of next year’s seminars to avoid conflict with other chapters’ events, but the date changes have not yet been confirmed since Les has not been present to report the teacher responses to the change request.
Carol asked that those members present who are planning on painting next month’s project with her pick up their tiles and background paint so as to be able to prep the tiles and allow time for the paint to cure before we meet again to work on the project.  We will be working with a new line of paint that requires sufficient drying time.

Sharron shared the panel of the fireplace screen that Carol brought back.  Cindy and Patsy will complete the next lighthouse on it.  She announced that two of the trays have already been turned in and Anita brought back a darling Halloween ornament that she had completed.
Cindy volunteered to fill the vacant position of Historian and a suggestion was made that Sandy might arrange for one meeting in the future to have a scrapbooking project so all members attending could complete pages for the chapter history book.

Dianne requested volunteers for a nominating committee to make suggestions for next year’s slate of officers.  Liz and Janet volunteered to serve on the committee.  A new president and secretary will be needed and members were requested to consider volunteering to serve.
Liz reminded members to find a project in their completed stash to enter in the State Fair this fall.
Sharron moved that $250 of the chapter’s funds be allotted to purchasing new materials for the chapter library to encourage members to use the library more often.  Her motion included the suggestion that a review of library use be conducted at the end of the year to see whether the new materials purchased had generated interest in using the library more often in order to decide whether to make the funds available on an annual basis.  Cindy seconded the motion and it passed.  Members are encouraged to offer suggestions to the librarian (Amelia Jayne) as to what materials they would like to have purchased for the library.  Anita suggested a series of Peter Ompir DVDs that would be interesting and instructive for all members.  She will forward information regarding them to Amelia Jayne.

Anita moved that the chapter order past issues of the Decorative Artist magazine and allot funds for the postage for them in order to distribute them to members and guests at the Baskets and Brunch event.  Patsy seconded the motion and it passed.  The shipping charge is estimated to be $40.

There being no further business, Dianne closed the meeting at 10:15 in order to paint memory boxes with Liz.
Respectfully submitted,

Margaret Jerman, Secretary

Capital Area Decorative Artists Minutes
June 2013

The June, 2013, meeting of the Capital Area Decorative Artists NC chapter of the Society of Decorative Painters was called to order in Liz Miller’s Artful Endeavors Studio by President Dianne Cantoni on Saturday, the 8th at 9:32 a.m.  Present in addition to Dianne, were members Janet Ferrell, Liz Miller, Trish Shaw, Sharron Jones, Vivian Byrd, Cindy Reams, Vicki Michael, Cathy Cox, Lynn Strickland, Carol Burns, Amelia Jayne Whitfield, Sue Harley, Patsy Fulford, and Margaret Jerman.  Vicki also introduced guests Shannon Wood, her daughter, and Kaitie Wood, her granddaughter.
After welcoming members and guests, Dianne requested that members sign the attendance sheet.
Sharron moved that the minutes from the May meeting be approved as published in the Newsletter.  Janet seconded the motion and the approval was unanimous.
Since Mary Greene was absent due to the recent flooding, there was no treasurer’s report. 
Sharron shared the two panels of the fireplace screen that had had vignettes added.  Kathy Miller had completed the Kenly Tobacco Museum and one room school house and Sharron had completed the Tweetsie Railroad.  She asked for volunteers to take the screens to complete additional vignettes.  She shared the tray that Dianne had completed with a Bobbie Takashima pattern.  Dianne volunteered to take one of the screens.  Carol kindly took the other one.
Dianne announced that new officers would be needed for next year as the two year limitations were coming due.  She asked that members think about in which position they would be willing to serve so they could volunteer early.  Janet offered to continue with newsletter and Trish said she would be in communication with Mary about the treasury.
Concern was expressed about the teaching schedule for meetings for the remainder of the year due to individual members’ conflicting schedules.  Liz volunteered to teach a memory box project with new techniques and ideas inspired by an article in the latest “Paint Works” magazine that Janet pointed out to her.  Trish volunteered to seal the boxes she has been storing for the chapter so they would be ready to paint.  She will bring them to the July meeting for Liz to distribute to those staying to paint.  Carol volunteered to teach a project painting house numbers and decorations on ceramic tiles with the new DecoArt multisurface satins in August.  She will supply the tiles and the chapter will provide the paint.  The seminar will be presented in September then Dot O’Neal will be teaching a project in October.
Sue asked, on behalf of Les, if the April seminar scheduled for next year could have the dates changed due to a conflict with the Shenandoah Valley chapter’s retreat which some of our members enjoy attending.  Liz generously offered to reschedule use of her studio if Diane Bunker could reschedule her dates to any of the other three weekends in April.  Sue agreed that Les could contact Diane and let Liz know which dates would work.  After some discussion, the consensus of the members present seemed to be that Janice Miller would be teaching at Retreat on the weekend of January 31, February 1 and 2, 2014 and Janelle Johnson would be asked to teach a two day seminar in September, if that worked with her schedule.  The Baskets and Brunch event is already scheduled for October, 2014.
Lynn asked that cards be sent to her husband Doug, who is suffering due to loss of vision.  Janet and Dianne offered to bring audio books to share with him.
Liz thanked Cindy for her work updating the chapter website.  Dianne suggested creating the office of Webmistresses which is currently being undertaken by Liz and Cindy.
Liz announced her upcoming class painting the Bodie Island Lighthouse and distributed sign-up sheets for the Summer’s End Art Fling to be held at her studio with Gail Schmidt on August 17 and 18, 2013.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned to paint and collage with Cathy and Vicki at 10 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Margaret Jerman, Secretary

Capital Area Decorative Artists Minutes
May 2013

The May, 2013, meeting of the Capital Area Decorative Artists NC chapter of the Society of Decorative Painters was called to order in Liz Miller’s Artful Endeavors Studio by President Dianne Cantoni on Saturday, the 11th at 9:30 a.m.  Present in addition to Dianne, were Janet Ferrell, Mary Greene, Kathy Miller, Liz Miller, Trish Shaw, Sharron Jones, Vivian Byrd, Cindy Reams, Vicki Michael, Cathy Cox, Jana Hart, Sandy Neuling, Ann Erteschik, Lynn Strickland, Betty LeMay, new member Maria Blythe, and Margaret Jerman.
After welcoming members, Dianne requested that members sign the attendance sheet.  Maria was welcomed as a guest and new member. 
Sharron moved that the minutes from the March meeting be approved as published in the Newsletter.  Janet seconded the motion and the approval was unanimous.

Sandy displayed her chart showing the possible teachers for 2014 seminars and Retreat.  She passed around photos of possible projects from some of the teachers and announced that the board recommended inviting Janice Miller for Retreat and Janelle Johnson and Diane Bunker for seminars for next year.  Vicki moved that the chapter accept the recommendations of the board regarding the selection of instructors and Liz seconded her motion.  It passed.
Sharron showed two panels of the fireplace screen that need painting for the Baskets and Brunch event for next year and asked for volunteers to take each screen and paint one of the vignettes on it.  One of the panels already had two lighthouses painted on one side.  Trish volunteered to take one screen panel and Kathy volunteered to take the other.
Sharron announced that those wishing to offer items for sale for the trunk sale pay their $5 participation fee to Mary.  She suggested that members vote on the seminar projects for September then adjourn to the parking lot for 30 minutes for the trunk sale, then return to paint the spoons with Trish following the business meeting.
Kathy announced that her instruction during the April seminar was featured in her local paper along with a photo of her project.  Members were invited to view the clipping.
Liz announced that she had seats available in her upcoming seminars with Ros Stallcup who will be at her studio this summer and Kathy George who will be there in November.  Ros will feature six projects that are displayed now in the studio and Kathy will teach a watercolor, a batik, and a multi media project.  In addition, Liz will be teaching a blue heron done in colored pencil on the 15th of this month, an acrylic painting of turtles originally scheduled for the 19th that will be rescheduled due to additional expressed interest, the “Night Vision” lighthouse project on June 2nd, a batik workshop on June 23rd, and a “paint your pet” class on July 7th.  She mentioned that she is teaching Dorothy Dent designs in Cary on Tuesday evenings in the studio currently owned by JJ Yang.
Dean Whitfield arrived to deliver onions that had been ordered by some of the chapter members and mentioned that Amelia Jayne is in the hospital.  Dianne asked Betty to send cards to her, to Mary Harrell who has also been ill, and to Dina who is recovering from shoulder surgery.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 10 a.m. so that members could vote for seminar projects, participate in the trunk sale, and paint spoons with Trish and Sandy.
Respectfully submitted,
Margaret Jerman, Secretary

  Capital Area Decorative Artists Minutes
March 2013

The March, 2013, meeting of the Capital Area Decorative Artists NC chapter of the Society of Decorative Painters was called to order in Liz Miller’s Artful Endeavors Studio by President Dianne Cantoni on the 9th at 9:32 a.m.  Present in addition to Dianne, were Les Tryon, Janet Ferrell, Anita Trippi, Carol Burns, Mary Greene,  Mary Webb, Kathy Miller, Liz Miller, Trish Shaw,  Sharron Jones,  Vivian Byrd, Cindy Reams, Sue Harley, Vicki Michael, Amelia Jayne Whitfield, Cathy Cox, Dina Jacobs, and Margaret Jerman. After welcoming members, Dianne requested that members sign the attendance sheet. 
Les moved that the minutes from the February meeting be approved as published in the Newsletter.  Sue seconded the motion and the approval was unanimous.

Vicki collected additional applications for the April seminar, reporting a final tally of 18 members attending on Friday the twelfth, 15 on Saturday the thirteenth, and 18 on Sunday the fourteenth.   Kathy will teach a Betty Caitheness box on Friday which should be prepped in eggshell, Sandy will teach a recipe box and cake keeper cover by Judy Diephouse on Saturday and Liz will teach her “Moon Flower” pattern on paper which should be prepped with Admiral Blue on Sunday.  Vicki announced that the painting would begin at 9 a.m. each day and participants were welcome to bring snacks and/or lunches as usual.   She, also, suggested that some members would be going out to lunch.
Vivian moved that Susan Tesrowe, new to our area, be invited to take her place at the seminar, since Vivian would be recovering from surgery at that time and would be unable to attend.  The motion was seconded by Cindy and passed.
Les reported that Brenda Harris is not currently booking seminar dates, but will keep us at the top of her list if or when she begins travel teaching again.  Les will continue to investigate Shirley Wilson, Diane Bunker, Donna Downey, Brenda Stewart, and Tracy Moreau.  Meantime, Cindy moved that the Retreat be held on the first or second weekend in February 2014.  The motion was seconded by Mary G. and Vicki and passed.  Liz suggested Janelle Johnson as a possible instructor.  Les agreed to investigate the possibility of a two day seminar with Janelle.  Cathy suggested locations along the coast be investigated as possible sites for Retreat.  Several members suggested returning to Rocky Mount.
Dianne asked Janet to insert the second Saturday of each month as our regular meeting date in the newsletter where the meeting time is listed.
Sharron reminded members that she had additional items that needed to be checked out and painted for the Baskets and Brunch event.  She also asked members to begin painting the lighthouses on the fireplace screen.  Dina presented several scenes that could be used for the back side of the fireplace screen.  Cindy made a motion that the back side be painted with a map and vignettes as suggested at the February meeting.  Kathy seconded the motion and it passed.  Margaret and Dina were asked to paint at least one vignette and create the patterns for the back side scenes while the lighthouses were being painted on the front side.
Sharron also reminded members of the May Trunk Sale.  The chapter will collect $5.oo from each participant and the remainder of any money collected through sales is to be kept by participants.
Liz requested assistance with the website and Cindy volunteered to help keep it updated.
Sharron, Janet, and Margaret asked Liz to open the studio on April 20 so that they could clean and organize the materials stored in the attic.
Dianne mentioned that Sandy had her eye surgery and is recovering.   Les mentioned that Clarice had back surgery on the eighth.  Although Betty wasn’t at the meeting, it was agreed that she needed notification so get well cards could be sent.
Dianne distributed applications for the new scholarship program for subsidizing members to attend seminars.  She explained the limited budget and terms of the program.
Mary W. requested donations for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation be given to her for their fundraiser which is held each April.  Any painted item would be welcome, particularly if appropriate for children.
Trish announced that she would be painting spoons with chapter members in May since Sharon Dobbs will be unable to teach that month.
Vicki asked members who were interested in attending the HOOT convention to sign up to ride the bus with the group from Winston Salem.  If enough members from our area sign up, the bus will drive down to pick up members at a local location rather than having to travel to Winston Salem to catch the bus there.   She explained that HOOT is planned for August 5-10 and the bus leaves Wednesday and returns Sunday.
Liz announced that ALTA is moving their gift shop to a new location.  Dianne announced that the cookbooks from HOCT would be distributed to any members who wanted them and the remainder would be delivered to ALTA. Liz announced that space is still available for painting with Ros Stallcup in July and asked members to visit her new website.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:05 a.m. so that members could create natural ornaments with Vivian.

Respectfully submitted,   Margaret Jerman, Secretary

  Capital Area Decorative Artists Minutes

February 2013

The February, 2013, meeting of the Capital Area Decorative Artists NC chapter of the Society of Decorative Painters was called to order in Liz Miller’s Artful Endeavors Studio by President Dianne Cantoni on the 9th at 9:35 a.m.  Present in addition to Dianne, were Les Tryon, Janet Ferrell, Anita Trippi, Carol Burns, Mary Greene,  Mary Webb, Kathy Miller, Liz Miller, Trish Shaw, Patsy Fulford, Sharron Jones,  Vivian Byrd, Jean Soehnlein, Mert Rountree, Dot O’Neal, Marie O’Tuel, Sharon Dobbs, Cindy Reams, Sandy Neuling, and Margaret Jerman.
After welcoming members, Dianne requested that members sign the attendance sheet.  She shared the toad design on the chapter table cloth that Bobbie Takashima had painted for members at the Retreat in January.
Les moved that the minutes from the January meeting be approved as published in the Newsletter.  Janet seconded the motion and the approval was unanimous.
Mary Greene reported that there are currently 41 members.

Janet thanked all who helped with and attended the Retreat and invited participants to take any leftover paint, the remainder of which would be donated to the school that Janet’s grandchildren attend, since they desperately need art materials.  Members offered to bring additional materials to be donated.
Sharron moved that Janet receive a free seminar day for her work organizing and directing the Retreat.  Sandy seconded the motion and it passed.
Although Vicki Michael, who is coordinating the April seminar was unable to be present, Dianne requested that the instructors present their prospective projects so that members could select which they would like to have taught during the seminar.  As a result of the members’ votes, Kathy will teach a Betty Caitheness box on Friday, Sandy will teach a recipe box and cake keeper cover by Judy Diephouse on Saturday, and Liz will teach her “Moon Flower” pattern on Sunday.
Les asked whether members would like to have a Retreat in 2014 and with resounding approval, will gather further information about a possible venue and teachers’ availability to present at the March meeting.  Possible teachers she will be contacting for the Retreat and future seminars are Brenda Harris, Shirley Wilson, Diane Bunker, Donna Downey, Brenda Stewart, and Tracy Moreau.
Sandy announced that Mary G would be updating the membership list and distributing it.
Mary W shared with Sharron that we would be able to have confetti at the Baskets and Brunch if we desired.  
Sharron announced that the trunk sale was scheduled to happen after the May meeting, rain or shine.  She reminded members that the Baskets and Brunch event would take place in October of 2014.  She requested that members check out additional trays to be painted for the auction and ornaments to be painted for the trees. 
Margaret shared one idea for the back side of the fireplace screen that would involve painting a scene from each of the three regions of North Carolina (the mountains, the piedmont and the coast) on each of the three sections of the screen, overlaid with an outline map of the state and further embellished with vignettes of well known attractions local to each region.  Dina was not present to submit an alternative design.  Sharon suggested substituting a lighthouse design that Liz had on display instead and Dianne agreed.  Members were asked to think about the design suggestions so that a decision could be made next month.
Sandy thanked Margaret for teaching this month and announced that Vivian would teach the project for next month.

The meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Margaret Jerman, Secretary

 Capital Area Decorative Artists Minutes
January 2013

President Dianne Cantoni  called to order the General Meeting of CADANC at 9:35 a.m. in Liz Miller’s Artful Endeavors Studio on January 12, 2013, welcoming those present.  Present, in addition to Dianne, were Les Tryon, Sue Harley, Sharron Jones, Sandy Neuling, Mary Greene, Janet Ferrell, Liz Miller, Trish Shaw, Jean Soehnlein, Marie O’Tuel, Sharon Dobbs, Kristin Trippi, Anita Trippi, Mary Webb, Dina Jacobs, Lynn Strickland, Cindy Reams, Vivian Byrd, and Margaret Jerman. 
Sharron moved that the minutes from the December meeting be approved as published in the newsletter.  Janet seconded the motion and it passed.
Mary pointed out that she only had dues from 26 members and requested that those wishing to renew their membership get their dues paid as soon as possible to be considered members in good standing.

Although Vicki Michael, Seminar Chair was not present, Dianne explained the following plans for the April seminar weekend with three local teachers, Liz Miller, Sandy Neuling, and Kathy Miller.  Each teacher will submit at least three lesson plans which will be available at the February meeting from which the members will choose one of each three for each teacher to present.  The chapter will fund the seminar fee for each member in good standing who registers to attend.  Members will be considered “in good standing” if their membership dues are paid by January 31, 2013.  The chapter will provide the paint for the seminar.  Each teacher will be reimbursed $350 for her teaching day.  The seminar will be presented April 12, 13, and 14, 2013.
Les shared her list of possible instructors for future seminars, stating that the list was an old one and several of those listed had already retired from travel teaching.  Betty Caithiness was mentioned to be added to the list.  Les explained that the Retreat for 2014 was already “in planning” and Brenda Harris was one of the teachers being considered to invite.
Sharron reported that the 2014 Baskets and Brunch date might need to be moved since Mary Webb would not be back from summer travels in time to coordinate plans with the Country Club, but Lynn volunteered to take care of that responsibility, so the date will stand.  Sharron thanked her committee members, Vivian, Dianne, and Anita, as well as Liz, who had helped as a close coordinator in purchasing ornaments, trays, and the fire screen.  She explained that most of the tables (9 of 11) had themes and volunteers to decorate them.  She received volunteers for the remainder of the tables.   She announced that the themes for the four trees would be Christmas, Halloween, Easter, and Valentine’s Day.  She also explained her system for distributing the ornaments and trays that will need painting for the event and asked members to sign out the projects they would be willing to paint and whether they would contribute a basket following the meeting.  She explained that the fireplace screen would have the North Carolina lighthouses on one side and feature the three regions of North Carolina, mountains, piedmont, and coast, on the opposite side.  Dina and Margaret volunteered to design ideas for the three regions by the March meeting.  The trays will be auctioned in lieu of nutcrackers and the mini-canvas/easel favors are the responsibility of each table volunteer to decorate.  The favors will be boxed and wrapped.  A B&B timeline was distributed to members indicating due dates for projects and planning for the event.

Sharron also announced that a fund raising trunk sale would take place at the May meeting with a fee of $5 going to the chapter from vendors and any money from sales going directly to the vendor.
She announced that Liz’s attic needed cleaning and organizing in April and a committee of volunteers for that job included Margaret, Janet, and possibly Mary W and Marie.  Sharron will chair the effort.
Sue collected painted items which she will deliver to ALTA.  She invited members to contribute additional items and visit the Antiques to Zippers retail outlet they operate on Old Wake Forest Road in Raleigh.  She promised to have more information about this charity in the next newsletter.

Sue offered memory boxes to members to paint for submission to the local hospitals.  Les requested memory boxes for her car club.  Sue moved that memory boxes be sold to Les’s car club.  Sharron seconded the motion and it passed.
Liz reported that although she and Carol were the official chapter hostesses, any member is welcome to assist in that responsibility.
Janet reported that Retreat would be held the next weekend, with Saturday’s dinner to be provided by the chapter from Parker’s Barbeque, and an optional gift exchange of wrapped, handmade gifts with a minimum value of $20 being exchanged by participants.  The chapter table cloth will be at Retreat to be further decorated by Bobbi Takashima, thanks to Trish, and the oval canvas symbol for the chapter will be there, thanks to Vivian.
Les announced that the 2014 Retreat was being planned with Sandy, Sue, Janet and Margaret on her committee and needed a theme.
Liz agreed to keep members posted on the upcoming State Fair and to remind us to get submissions completed.
Les suggested we have a “Show and Tell” at every meeting to share completed projects in order to inspire each other with painting ideas.  Members were encouraged to bring finished projects. 
Sandy shared her list of programs for 2013:
January, Sharron will be teaching zen snowmen to those not attending Retreat, while those attending prep their Retreat projects
Liz shared information on upcoming studio events: Spring Fling will be presented by Gayle and Liz in March.  Registration is already open for the Ros Stallcup seminar coming in July (21-23 and 25-27) and specific project information will be available in April.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,

Margaret Jerman, Secretary

 Capital Area Decorative Artists Minutes
Dec 2012

President Dianne Cantoni called to order the Capital Area Decorative Artists NC (CADANC) general meeting on December 9, 2012 in Liz Miller’s Artful Endeavors Studio at 2:42 p.m.  Present, in addition to Dianne and Liz, were Patsy Fulford, Carol Burns, Les Tryon, Vicki Michael, Mary Greene, Janet Ferrell, Sharron Jones, Vivian Byrd, Jean Soehnlein, Anita Trippi, Amelia Jayne Whitfield, Sharon Dobbs, and Margaret Jerman.  Dianne welcomed everyone in attendance and expressed concern for those members who were not there.
Janet reported that only 5 seats were left for Retreat in January.  She suggested that the chapter hold a regular meeting in January in addition to Retreat so that members attending Retreat would have an opportunity to use chapter materials to prep their pieces prior to painting with Ms. Takashima.  Each attendee would bring the teapot (or other surface) and 12 inch round (or other surface) and CADANC would provide the sealer and paint colors to allow sealing and base coating of the pieces so that they would be dry and “cured” before attending Retreat.  She said those attending Retreat would enjoy an optional gift exchange on Friday; a dinner from Parker’s BBQ on Saturday evening; a game of Bunco with prizes; in addition to painting with Bobbi.  
Wrapped gifts brought to the exchange should have a minimum value of $20 and are encouraged, but not required, to relate to the “Toad” theme of the Retreat.
After some discussion, it was decided that a general meeting of CADANC would be held at Liz’s studio on the second weekend in January.  Sharron volunteered to lead those not prepping Retreat materials in The Zen Snowmen project from February 2013 edition of Paint Works magazine.
Sharron reported that the theme for the next Baskets and Brunch event would be “Happy Everything” with each table decorated in a celebratory theme by a volunteer or volunteers from the chapter.  The volunteers would be reimbursed for their centerpiece up to a maximum of $25 and would paint 10 canvases and easels (to be provided by CADANC) in their theme for individual favors for attendees.  Tickets would be sold to chapter members and the general public.  Members would be encouraged to donate baskets, as usual, which will be raffled in addition to auctioning 10 trays painted by volunteer members, the centerpieces from each table, and 3 wire trees decorated with ornaments from members.  Because the fireplace screen auctioned at the last Baskets and Brunch, it was suggested that the next collectively painted project be rendered on separate smaller sections that could be hinged after finishing, such as screen or wood panels and done in the theme of four seasons on one side and North Carolina lighthouses on the other side.  The venue for the event will continue to be the Chapel Hill Country Club if it is available.
Sharron asked for volunteers to submit a theme for the table they would decorate.  Vivian chose St. Patrick’s Day, Anita chose Easter/Spring, Sharron chose Halloween, Dianne chose Happy Birthday, Janet and Margaret chose Teddy Bear Day, Carol and Liz chose Mother’s Day, Vicki and Mary chose Christmas, and Patsy chose Winter, planning on asking Cindy to work with her.
Vicki moved that the chapter purchase small easels and mini canvases to be used as individual favors and that Sharron and her committee be provided with a working budget of $500 to purchase the favors, the trays, and any other expenses incurred in planning the event (such as the screens or wood and hinges).  Dianne and Janet seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:31 p.m. in order that members could participate in the Holiday Gift Exchange and enjoy the bountiful and delicious refreshments.
Respectfully submitted,
Margaret Jerman, Secretary


Capital Area Decorative Artists NC

General Meeting Minutes

August 11, 2012

The August, 2012, meeting of the Capital Area Decorative Artists NC chapter of the Society of Decorative Painters was called to order in Liz Miller’s Artful Endeavors Studio by President Dianne Cantoni on the 11th at 9:31 a.m.    Present in addition to Dianne, were Vicki Michael, Sue Harley, Amelia Jayne Whitfield, Vivian Byrd, Liz Miller, Janet Ferrell, Dot O’Neal, Anita Trippi, Cindy Reams, Patsy Fulford, Sandy Neuling, Lynn Strickland, Les Tryon, Trish Shaw,  Carol Burns, Sharon Dobbs, Mary Greene, Margaret Vopelak, Cathy Cox, Kate Mahony, Debbie Kodros, Margaret Jerman, and guests Camille Stubbs and Betty Stone.

Dianne welcomed guests and members and asked everyone to sign the attendance register.

 Janet Ferrell moved to approve the minutes from the June meeting, Les and Carol seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.

Sue Harley told members and guests that registration for Carol Spohn’s seminar coming up September 20-23 was filling.  Members who wished to participate were urged to register right away as there were already non members interested in attending.   Thursday evening participating members are invited to paint the small geranium project.  Friday will be the drizzle sunflowers, Saturday the collage, and Sunday the rainbow cat.  The member’s fee for each full day will be $50 which will include the fee for the packet.  Thursday’s packet fee is $16.  Participants are asked to bring colorful napkins for the multimedia progect.

Carol Burns reported that there were no new members since the last meeting.

Janet asked whether members were receiving their newsletters.  Everyone responded positively.

Patsy Fulford said that she had yet to receive a firm offer from her friend at Country Inn and Suites for the 2013 Retreat, but that it would definitely be lower than that asked by Hampton Inn.  Janet agreed to visit the site with Patsy in the coming weeks.  Janet will be asking Bobbi Takashima for pictures of her available projects and/or printing options from Bobbi’s website so that members can make selections.  Bobbi will be asked to add a sculpture project.  Patsy and Janet will ask about monitors and stands for the painting area so that Bobbi can use her telecast technology. Dianne asked about the check sent to Bobbie Takashima to engage her for January’s Retreat.  Mary reported the check has been cashed.

Anita Trippi thanked members for the beautiful baskets, additional ornaments, and smokers and nutcrackers that were donated for the Baskets and Brunch event coming up this fall.  Everyone who had painted on the fireplace screen was asked to please sign it.  Members who were not at this meeting are asked to come by Liz’s studio during the coming month to sign.

Liz Miller urged members to register their entries for the State Fair.  Vivian Byrd distributed reminders with the web address printed on them.  Additional entry sheets were made available to members not wishing to use the web to register.  Members were urged to contact Liz or Vivian if in need of help registering.  Vivian also reminded members to print their receipts of registration and take the printouts along when artwork is delivered to the fairgrounds to avoid mistakes or confusion.  She explained that registration this year has been limited to 10 entries across all the categories.

Sandy Neuling announced that she successfully delivered the donations to ALTA and they were greatly appreciated.  Members were urged to visit the ALTA retail location, to continue to bring in donated items, and to continue to paint memory boxes.  Several finished boxes were collected for future delivery.

Vivian asked about the location of the flag she had volunteered to paint.  It was found in the attic and given to her.

Liz told members of the generous donation of materials from the husband of a former painter.  Members were asked to take any of the donated items they wished to have and to purchase any of the discounted books Liz had on display.  Members who had received any of the items were asked to sign the thank-you card Liz had prepared to send to the bereaved husband.  Liz offered to distribute studio schedules to anyone interested in participating in her upcoming classes.  She also announced that registration was open for the Art Fling she is co-sponsoring August 24-26 and the seminar with Kathie George that she is offering November 12-14.

Dianne asked about interested in an incentive program similar to that published by Palmetto Painters, but members denied interest.  She also asked about a brown bag project exchange proposed for the Retreat.  Anita explained the project exchange and it was decided to try it at a later date, perhaps for the birthday party.
Mary mentioned that there were still four seats available on a bus leaving for HOOT the following weekend from Winston Salem if anyone was considering attending that convention.

Kate Mahony mentioned that the Gourd Festival would be held September 8-9 at the fairgrounds.

The question was raised about name tag straps, but they had not been researched yet.

Dianne adjourned the meeting at 10:10 a.m. in order to paint gourds with Vicki.
Respectfully submitted,
Margaret Jerman, Secretary


 Capital Area Decorative Artists NC
General Meeting Minutes
July 14, 2012
The July, 2012, meeting of the Capital Area Decorative Artists NC chapter of the Society of Decorative Painters was called to order in Liz Miller’s Artful Endeavors Studio by President Dianne Cantoni on the 14th at 9:36 a.m.  Present in addition to Dianne, were Vicki Michael, Sue Harley, Amelia Jayne Whitfield, Vivian Byrd, Kathy Miller, Liz Miller, Mert Rountree, Sharron Jones, Betty LeMay, Laura Marquis, Janet Ferrell, Dot O’Neal, Marie O’Tuel, Anita Trippi, Kristin Trippi, Cindy Keith, Cindy Reams, Patsy Fulford, Sandy Neuling, Lynn Strickland, and Margaret Jerman.
Dianne welcomed members and asked everyone to sign the attendance register.
 Janet Ferrell moved to approve the minutes from the June meeting and the motion passed unanimously.
Sue Harley opened registration for Carol Spohn’s seminar coming up September 20-23.   Thursday evening participating members are invited to paint the small geranium project.  Friday will be the drizzle sunflowers, Saturday the collage, and Sunday the rainbow cat.  The member’s fee for each full day will be $50 which will include the fee for the packet.  Thursday’s packet fee is $16.  Registration will open to non-members in two weeks, so members who wish to participate are encouraged to register right away.
Vicki Michael showed members the beautiful alcohol inked egg gourd ornaments that she will be teaching next month.  Members who wish to use her inks will be asked for a $1 palette fee to cover the cost of the inks.
Betty LeMay asked that members contact her if they know of anyone who needs a card sent for sympathy or get well purposes.  She will be contacting Sharon Dobbs who is recovering from recent surgery.
Amelia Jayne Whitfield asked that members notify her if they wish to check out any of the chapter’s library contents.  If so, she will retrieve them from Liz’s attic.
Sandy Neuling announced that she delivered over 40 memory boxes that members had painted.  She told members that the hospital staff was very grateful for the boxes.  Sandy encouraged members to continue to paint and turn in boxes for the other hospitals that the chapter supports.  She will be contacting Children’s Hospital in Chapel Hill to determine whether they are interested in participating in the memory box program.  Children’s Hospital is part of the UNC Hospital system.
Sandy also asked for additional painted items to be delivered to ALTA for the benefit of needy women and children in the Triangle Area.
Anita Trippi asked members who had turned in baskets to please have their names on their baskets so they could be recognized at the Baskets and Brunch event.   She announced that the baskets are due next month.  She also asked for volunteers to sell tickets for the baskets at the upcoming Baskets and Brunch event this fall.  Sandy, Liz Miller, and Vicki volunteered.  Vivian Byrd reported that she is working on the lyrics of the song she will entertain the group with at 11:55 to open the festivities for the event.  Anita said the brunch would be served between 12 noon and 12:50, after which the baskets will be distributed and the auction held.  Kailie Trippi will be the historian for the event, taking photos.  Dianne will do the introduction and welcome and Liz volunteered to monitor the auction. 
Vivian volunteered to paint her logo on the chapter flag in time for the event.
Dianne announced that the check had been sent to Bobbie Takashima to engage her for January’s Retreat, but so far there has been no response.  Mary Greene will be consulted to see whether the check has been cashed yet.
Janet will coordinate volunteers to plan activities for each day of the Retreat, which is planned for January 18-20.  Anita, Sandy, Laura, and Dianne volunteered to work with her on these plans.
Dianne asked about the chapter’s participation in a Learn to Paint event as sponsored by SDP.  It was pointed out that the chapter sends volunteer teachers to the Gourd Festival to encourage new painters to learn to paint by painting gourds.  Sue suggested that any unfilled seats in Carol Spohn’s Thursday evening activity could also be opened to the public as a Learn to Paint activity.  Members were also encouraged to participate in the State Fair displays in order to encourage the public to contact the chapter and learn to paint.  Some advertizing venues for inviting the public were discussed, including area newspapers and the WRAL Community Calendar.
Patsy Fulford asked whether members would be interested in her negotiating with an employee of Country Inn and Suites near Wilson to secure a lower room rate for the Retreat weekend.  Members were in favor of this idea and thought of possibly negotiating a lower rate at the Hampton Inn using this as a tool in addition to the possibility of switching locations.
Liz told members of the generous donation of paints and surfaces from the husband of a former painter.  Members were asked to take any of the donated items they wished to have and to purchase any of the discounted books Liz had on display.
Dianne announced that the raffle would be held following the meeting.  The meeting was adjourned to peruse the donated items, have the raffle, and paint name tags.
Respectfully submitted,
Margaret Jerman, Secretary


Capital Area Decorative Artists NC
General Meeting Minutes
June 9, 2012
The June, 2012, meeting of the Capital Area Decorative Artists NC chapter of the Society of Decorative Painters was called to order in Liz Miller’s Artful Endeavors Studio by President Dianne Cantoni on the 9th at 9:35 a.m.  Present in addition to Dianne, were Sue Harley, Carol Burns, Mary Greene,  Amelia Jayne Whitfield, Trish Shaw, Vivian Byrd,  Cathy Cox, Kathy Miller, Liz Miller, Mert Rountree, Sharron Jones, Betty LeMay, Pam King, Laura Marquis, Jean Soehnlein, Pat White, Margaret Vopelak,  Dianne Sieber, and Margaret Jerman.
Dianne welcomed members and congratulated them on receiving the SDP chapter achievement award for both previous chapters from last year.
 Sue Harley moved to approve the minutes from the May meeting.  Mary Greene seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Mary G. presented the treas. report.  She requested that any members who have not submitted copies of their current membership card from SDP do so immediately or at their first opportunity.  There are still several members whose SDP membership she has yet to document.
Sue reported on Carol Spohn’s seminar coming up September 20-23.   Thursday evening members are invited to paint the small geranium project, purchasing the packet for a fee of $16.  Friday will be the drizzle sunflowers, Saturday the collage, and Sunday the rainbow cat.  Because the packets for each day must be purchased, the member's fee for each full day will be $50 which will include the fee for the packet.
Sue also invited each member who participated in the Bob Pennycook seminar to take two products from the assortment of leftover paints, glazes, retarders, etc.   Any remaining products can be taken by anyone who would like to use them.
Carol Burns announced that all members should have received their membership packets since they had all been distributed.  She further announced that Trish Shaw would be teaching the November project and Margaret Jerman would be teaching the July project instead of the previously announced schedule.  The July project will be painting new chapter name tags.  Margaret J. invited members to use their choice of colors using either her Genesis paints or their own acrylic paints to paint their name tags.  She passed around a sample of a name tag painted in Genesis and partially varnished.  Liz Miller agreed to order enough name tags for each member to have one, with the chapter paying for them.
Betty LeMay asked that members contact her if they know of anyone who needs a card sent for sympathy or get well purposes.
Margaret Vopelak asked that members smile for the photos she is taking for the chapter history.
Amelia Jayne Whitfield asked that members notify her if they wish to check out any of the chapter’s library contents.  If so, she will retrieve them from Liz’s attic.
Liz Miller announced that the chapter had a good supply of memory boxes in the attic that members need to paint.  She brought down several in case anyone was able to take them to paint and return.
Carol announced that only half the ornaments that had been taken to paint as favors for the Baskets and Brunch event have been returned so far.  Members that are not able to finish them are asked to return them so others can paint them for the event.  She redistributed one nutcracker and two ornaments that had been returned unpainted.  Four finished baskets were brought, four finished nutcrackers or smokers were brought, and several finished ornaments were returned today.  More ornaments will be needed for the four trees that will be auctioned this fall.  Members were asked to remember to bring them to the July meeting.
Members are asked to consider donating paintings or painted items to the auction to be sold along with the four trees and the fireplace screen.
Liz showed members the advertisement that will be added to the website to announce the Baskets and Brunch event.  She offered to donate to the auction as well.
Vivian Byrd challenged members to finish their UFO’s (unfinished objects) and use them to submit entries to the State Fair this fall.
Mary presented a question from Barbara Currie asking about her Honorary membership status and how her membership status affects her ability to participate in next year’s Retreat with Bobbie Takashima.  After much discussion, it was decided that Honorary members will continue to receive chapter newsletters and be invited to participate in regular meeting projects.   In order to participate in seminars or Retreats,  members must pay the regular fees associated with those programs and to be invited to sign up with the “first wave” must also pay chapter dues; otherwise, they are invited to participated on a “second wave” basis with other non members.
Members were reminded that tickets were available for the Baskets and Brunch event.
Dianne adjourned the meeting at 10:15 so that members could paint watercolors with Cathy Cox.
Respectfully submitted,
Margaret Jerman, Secretary
May 2012 CADANC General Meeting
The May, 2012, meeting of the Capital Area Decorative Artists NC chapter of the Society of Decorative Painters was called to order in Liz Miller’s Artful Endeavors Studio by President Dianne Cantoni on the 12th at 10:40 a.m.  Present in addition to Dianne, were Janet Ferrell, Sue Harley, Carol Burns, Mary Greene, Bonnie Seyford, Amelia Jayne Whitfield, Trish Shaw, Vivian Byrd, Cathy Cox, Les Tryon, Kay Hoggard, Sandra Lee, Anita Trippi, Kathy Miller, Mary Webb, Sandy Neuling, and Margaret Jerman.
With the correction made in the previous newsletter that Sharron Jones had painted on the fireplace screen rather than Sharon Dobbs, Janet moved to approve the minutes from the March meeting.  Mary Greene seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Mary G. presented the treasurer's report.  She requested that any members who have not submitted copies of their current membership card from SDP do so immediately or at their first opportunity.  Carol volunteered to make copies of all membership cards present at the meeting.
Dianne thanked Sue for facilitating Bob Pennycook’s successful seminar. 
Sue asked members to make their selections for projects for Carol Spohn’s seminar coming up September 21-23 from the pictures she had on display.  She invited members to use any paints needed from those left from the seminar in order to finish any unfinished projects.  She indicated the leftover paints would be distributed at the June meeting.
Carol announced that Vicki Michael would be teaching the August project and Margaret Jerman would be teaching the November project instead of the previously announced schedule.
Janet displayed the artwork submitted for the logo, flag, and badges for the new chapter.  After some discussion, a written vote was taken for the selection to be used as logo for the newsletter and on the flag and a separate vote was taken for the name tag/badge.
 Anita reported that tickets were now on sale for the Baskets and Brunch fund raising event to be held on October 20.  Ticket price is $20 payable upon receipt of the tickets.  Only 110 will be sold. 
Mary Webb asked that all ornaments be completed and returned by the June meeting.  Kristin and Kailie Trippi have volunteered to wrap each ornament for the expected 110 participants and need time to do so.  Mary will pick up any items that members wish to turn in but are unable to do so.  Please notify her if your item needs transportation.  Any ornaments or smokers or nutcrackers that members are unable to finish need to be returned to Mary so someone can complete them in time for the event.
Sandy shared new labels she created for inclusion in each memory box.  She shared ideas for rewarding members who paint boxes and/or donate to ALTA.
Anita and Mary W. shared patterns from Bobbi Takashima’s collection and indicated that Bobbi is now doing “sculpted” pieces in addition to traditionally painted projects.  She indicated that the board had approved extending an invitation to Bobbi to teach at the 2013 Retreat in January.  Margaret moved that Bobbi be invited to teach at a January Retreat.  Les seconded the motion and it passed. 
Sandra Lee suggested that Brenda Harris be invited to teach at a future retreat or seminar.  Anita agreed to contact Brenda to find out whether she would be willing or able to teach for the chapter later in 2013 or in 2014.
Trish agreed to check with the hotel to confirm dates in January for the 2013 Retreat.
Les announced that the trunk sale would commence following the meeting and those who plan to participate should submit their $5 entry fee to Mary Greene.
Janet announced that Vivian Byrd’s design would be adopted as the chapter logo and Margaret Jerman’s design would be used on the name badges.
Cathy Cox announced that the project for next month would be a watercolor elephant.  She distributed patterns and instructions and asked that participants plan to spend the entire day painting.  Participants will need 140 pound cold press Arches (or similar quality) watercolor paper.
Dianne adjourned the meeting at 10:25 so that members could participate in the trunk sale, then return to paint with Sandy Neuling on the Zhostovo style design she volunteered to teach.

Respectfully submitted, Margaret Jerman, Secretary

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  Dear Susan, Our “sunny Susan” as Sue Harley said.  As I read through the comments posted after Margaret’s heart-wrenching report of your...